Earlier this year we enrolled our 4 year old in our local public pre-school, in inner Woden.
Offers we made today and our child was not granted a position.
Instead we were offered a position in a school 3 suburbs away.
Looking at the criteria this decision was based on, ACT Education state preference is given to:
- Those that are residents of the suburb
- Those with siblings in the school
We pass on both accounts, owning a house in the suburb the school is located and we have an older sibling in the Kindergarten at the primary school.
OK, so lets assume all 45 children that were given places at the pre-school have siblings at the primary school and live in the suburb.
Whats the next factor that is looked at?
The only thing I can think of that counted against my child was I paid the school fees for the older sibling, a little late.
I paid early last week. I paid in excess of the required fee ($150 instead of $125) AND made a sizable donation ($100) to the optional library fund.
I don’t know if there was a ‘due date’ on these fees, but almost certainly it was AFTER the decision was made to exclude my younger child from the pre-school.
Question for RiotACT readers: Could my child have been excluded because at the time the decision was made, I hadn’t paid the school fees for the older sibling?
I have the contact details of the Education Directorate (Manager, Early Childhood Education: 6207 1961; PreschoolMatters@act.gov.au) but would love to hear from you as well.
Thank-you for taking the time to read this.