The Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (AIYEP) was established in 1981 and it operates under an agreement between the Australian and Indonesian governments. It aims to provide wider opportunities for young people of Indonesia and Australia to appreciate the culture, development and way of life of each other’s country.
This year the city phase of the AIYEP will be in Canberra. Whilst in Canberra participants will complete Work Placements, perform Cultural Performances and live with Canberra families.
The Australian phase of the program brings 18 Indonesians (9 males and 9 females) aged 21-25 from all over the archipelago to a selected Australian city and town.
We are looking for Host Families to look after our participants whilst they’re in Canberra from the 17th of October until the 8th of November. Families will be paid a subsidy of $750 for hosting a participant.
It is a fantastic opportunity for participants to learn more about our closest neighbour, Indonesia.
For more information or to sign-up as a family visit http://aiyep.tcn.com.au/AIYEP1516/canberra or email kirrilly@aiyep.com.au