According to ABC News, Barr claims that 60% of ACT students are in public schools, and 40% private. Below the national average of 70% public education – and Barr is claiming that the shift to the private sector is driven by the increase in Commonwealth Government funding for private schools.
More accurate figures (including the fact that only 50% of high school students are in public schools – compared to 60% for college and primary students) are on the DET website.
I wonder if Barr has considered that closing the only public school within three suburbs means families are more likely to choose the private school that’s only a five minute walk down the road?
I wonder if he’s looked at the differences in education choices being offered at private schools compared to public schools – things like flexible multi-age classrooms, smaller school sizes, fewer students per teacher, special programs on environment or trades or music or sports…
Perhaps I’m just cynical, but isn’t it interesting that he’s timed his propaganda campaign to coincide with Public Education Week – 14-20 May? And isn’t there an ACT election next year?