A friend of mine has just told me that Beer + Bubs is coming to Canberra, hopefully from November this year. Beer + Bubs is a childbirth preparation class that has been hugely successful in Sydney. Probably because it’s a one-night event rather than a multi-week course, and it’s held at the pub. It’s just for the expectant dads, and covers all the really important stuff.
What should you never say to a woman in labour? How can you actively help with pain relief in childbirth? How do you go in to bat for your partner if things get ugly with the midwife? Why shouldn’t you be texting your mother while you’re on the job? What can you do to make childbirth faster and easier for your partner?
It actually sounds pretty good – for $50 you get dinner (pay for your own drinks) and all your questions answered to prep for the arrival of your new baby. And I know that the Canberra facilitator has been attending births for many years, so I’m sure she’ll be able to answer whatever questions you might throw at her.