I was at Dobinson’s earlier today appeasing my growling stomach and contemplating why I’d been given bread with an avocado and some cheese, lettuce, tomato, mayo and cream cheese instead of the usual grilled vegetable extravaganza you get when you order a vegetarian focaccia when a drawing was pushed onto my table.
I gave a muttered thanks and half glanced at the guy who had put it there and went back to my contemplation. A minute or so later, after he had done the rounds of the few other people sitting there, he came back and said, “Excuse me but do you have a spare coin?” Feeling it would be a little rude to give him back his drawing I gave him a dollar, this time taking in the freshly-bruised eye and the scabbed gashes on his forehead.
I now present you with the picture, which I must say is only just less scary than the God-Botherer’s poems (which I was given for free once), and ask first for your interpretation or critique and second if anyone else has had the same experience, and if they were given the same picture.
![Beggar's drawing](http://johnboy.nerdvana.net.au/images/begpic1.jpg)