For Belconnen residents ( and business owners, workers or students over the age of 16) who are eligible to vote at tomorrow nights Special AGM, I will be supporting the following candidates for the following positions:
President – Matt Watts
Vice President – Damien Haas
Secretary – Victoria Robertson
Treasurer – John Simson
There may be other candidates, but I will not be voting for them.
The Special AGM will be held at 7.30PM at the Community room above the Belconnen Library. It will be followed by a presentation from Road ACT at about 8.30PM.
I’d encourage people with an interest in the community of Belconnen to attend and vote as their conscience dictates. It will be a good opportunity to install a competent, community minded group of people.
It was quite a struggle to get this Special AGM held, as the disgruntled incumbents that whiteanted Matt Watts following the AGM in September last year have tried many ruses to prevent this Special AGM occurring. It should be noted that every single one of their claims to the Office of Regulatory Services regarding Matts ineligibility have been dismissed. The sole reason for the AGM not being valid was the Public Officer failing to lodge the correct paperwork.
I am posting this as an ordinary member of the community and not in any role associated with the BCC where I am a current committee member.