ACT Policing attended a Belconnen medical centre over concerns about a possible COVID-19 risk. Photo: Michelle Kroll.
A Belconnen GP surgery was forced into lockdown yesterday (21 January) over concerns that a patient had recently been to a Western Sydney COVID-19 hotspot.
ACT Policing confirmed that they attended a medical centre in relation “to a man with a potential COVID-19 risk”, but ACT Health later advised that there was no public health risk.
The man, who is understood to have mental health issues, has returned a negative COVID-19 test and the location he had visited in Sydney has since been taken off the ACT’s hotspot list, with only one local government area remaining subject to travel restrictions.
An ACT Policing spokesperson reminded the community to follow all public health directions and COVID-19 protocols.
“Anyone who is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, or who has been to a COVID-19-affected area, should arrange to be tested and take appropriate self-isolation action,” the said.