There have been two occasions when I have truly missed the greatness of the Aussie pie. On one of my first dates with my husband, we went along to a Chelsea match and he bought a couple of pies (…and they say romance is dead). It had been microwaved which to my mind is an unforgivable pie sin, but was also made up of a fairly tasteless gravy and bits of what tasted more like old erasers grated up than anything resembling meat. The second was when I sampled the great and famed ‘pie and mash’ in a South London pie shop. The pie was not only floating in a slick of what was referred to as liquor (they say liquor, I say dishwater), but rose to the lofty height of about 1.5cm and contained not a great deal other than a jelly like gravy. Yuk!
When I first brought my husband ‘home’ to Australia, he had a list of tasks to achieve during his time here. That list included sampling a chunky steak pie from Brothers Oven. He nearly passed out and went to pie heaven.
So, this week we’re breaking out the big guns. Who makes the best pie in Canberra? Judgement will be made on a steak pie, none of this cheese and bacon business.