17 November 2005

Bicycle skewers are go!

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ABC is reporting that the bike racks are all a go-go here

RA’s coverage of the unfolding recumbant bike debate can found here and here.

About freaking time, that after all the buggering round that has gone on (not too mention the funds wasted), this has actually started to see the light of day.

From myself to all involved… Well done you knuckle heads. You couldn’t find a root in brothel with fist full of fifties.

Now, time to start abusing recumbent cyclists….

UPDATED: T_Bone sent in the following via email, with pictures:

Bus bike racks are easy to use.(Action)

Walking through Civic at lunch today I came across Action advertising the new bus bike racks. The attendants were absconding any person riding or walking past and showing them how to get their bikes on and off. I must have heard the word “easy” about 40 times in the two or three minutes I was standing there.

Bus Bike Rack demonstration in Civic

Using the word “easy” a lot is probably a result of the contraption looking relatively cumbersome and the Action marketing people feeling it would scare people off. Personally I think standing in front of an Action bus with a driver at the wheel should be avoided at any time. A bystander I saw have a go didn’t seem have too much trouble getting the bike on and off but did have a little trouble lowering the rack from the front of the bus. At the time the prop bike was being held by the attendant, and seeing that the rack lowers forward I would assume it would only get more difficult if you had to hold your bike in one hand, operate the lever in the centre of the rack and then shuffle back to let it lower. Now that your bike is on the rack you only have to deal with the disgruntled stares from the other passengers on the bus who had to wait.

On passing the display again about an hour later the group had grown (see pic 2) with a camera crew, a few official suits and a line up of cyclists to the left. Some local riding groups had obviously been called in to provide support for the display.

Bus Bike Rack Demo in Civic, picture 2

What I find amusing is that they only hold two bikes. Imagine waiting for a bus to find the bike rack full. You are also limited to only travelling with one other bike riding friend.

Coming from Brisbane where they have had the bus bike racks for some time I am surprised to see them in Canberra. Mainly because I don’t think they are used very often for the cost of installation. My friends and I often joked that you were more like to see a Yeti in Brisbane than a bike on one of those racks. To this day I have never actually seen a bike on the front of one.

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richardh99354:06 pm 02 May 09

Three and a half years on, and some of the bus drivers have relented, and let the bike thing happen. I know one person who bought a bike just so he’d get a free bus ride.

I bought a folding bike, only to be told it was not allowed on the bus. All contraptions must be in bags, so now I must buy a bag, too. Prams, strollers and wheelchairs are exempt, though.

As an earlier writer put it, why can’t we just roll the bikes onto the bus? (Probably because the bus would then need to look more like a flat-bed truck with gate sides – Hey, that’s very cosmopolitan – we’d look like Indians.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart4:40 pm 18 Nov 05

LG, not at all, I thought everyone around here thought less of me once they saw my skivvies.

Contract ran out a few weeks ago Evictor and they’ve been stuffing me around ever since, probably a good thing as it wasn’t exactly great employment.

First losing your job and now having to retract publicly. Not a good week Sammy.

Are you worried we might think less of you?

Samuel Gordon-Stewart4:10 pm 18 Nov 05

I agree, but I also agreed to do it thinking I would never have to…as painful as it is (both to myself and the general public who have to endure it), I am not going back on my word.

No one cares.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart3:17 pm 18 Nov 05

My apology has been sumbitted and will be sent to the other required persons on Monday.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart3:02 pm 18 Nov 05

I also said

Naturally if it came to that I would submit a story of apology…and if that fails, post a comment.

I’ll submit a story then, if nothing comes of that in the next 24-48 hours you can expect to see a comment here.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart2:49 pm 18 Nov 05

I’ve seen one bus with a bike on it today, it was placed on the rack just after I got off, and it certainly took a while…

Thankyou areaman for finding that quote…I was sure I didn’t write anything about running, naked or otherwise. As I recall my apology was going to be in a comment and I was going to submit a story for RA as the front page is not under my control…let me find the post where I wrote that first so I can work out what I need to write.

When I see the rack in operation I’ll applaud this wonderful initiative…oh, and my friend owns a puppy!

Absent Diane11:11 am 18 Nov 05

So what happens the bus rears ends something… goodbye bike…. are they covered for this…. there are some fucking crazy drivers out there… I will put money on the fact that every bus I catch that has one of these things some fucking hippy will come and tie there bike up to this mostly… mostly to give me the shits!!

Negative publicity he may have generated, what a craic!!

Seeing as how that comment was made in his ‘pre-glassed-ened’ state, I’d say said publicity was little more than a contemptuous laugh by you and me.

What SGS said was:

Areaman, not only will I post a public apology on RA if the bike racks do get used (and not to be drawn out on a technicality, I mean available for public use), but I will personally write a letter to Simon Corbell apoligising for not trusting his word, a letter to ACTION apoligising for any negative publicity I may have generated, and further letters to The Chronicle and Canberra Times editors making further public apoligies.

I still reserve the right to take issue with the extra time it will take for the bikes to get on and off the racks securely, and to have concerns about the bikes which are not properly secured.

Well, jump to it boy.

They’re only going to be on the ‘intertown’ buses.
Those buses are fairly regular, but yes it still could be a pain waiting for a bus with a free rack.

Sorry, I forgot to add in the word “naked”!

Wasn’t Sam going to run around Civic Bus Interchange if these things ever came into use?????

on WIN news, it was reported that the initiative cost $350,000. What a productive use of council funds! Where did the $350,000 go? Or did someone’s brother uncle’s best mate land the contract?

such a fanciful indulgent idea surely did not warrant much more than some K-Mart bike racks slapped on the back of the bus?

Now lets see Pedal Power have their usual annual whinge about bull bars on cars/4WDs… bike racks on buses appear far more capable of serious damage to pedestrians and cyclists!

Or…you know…we could wait and see if they get used and they work 🙂

Certainly some of the objections sound credible but who really knows what’ll happen in a Canberra context. Could be ok.

As a former salesman myself I’d love to meet the magnificent bastard who sold these things.

Truly he must be a dark angel amongst men (and surely only man is capable of such evil?)

Who in their right mind is going to wait for a bus in the off chance that a rack is free?

Who, without having done it before, is going to hold a bus up while they mess with securing their bike, and then trust it not to fall off somewhere along the way.

To say nothing of the risk that the next n00b with a bike isn’t going to mess with the way your own is secured?

And so, at great expense, very little is achieved. Bus route’s can’t be straightened, families certainaly can’t use it because what are they going to do? Split the family over two buses? (on a weekend schedule no less?)

I mean seriously. Did anyone involved in this procurement ever stop and say, wait a minute, how exactly are these things going to be used?

Roll the damn bikes onto the buses you morons!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart4:29 pm 17 Nov 05

How very very odd this is. Legalities of bus lengths aside, it will be interesting to see how long it takes people to load and unload the bikes, and how annoyed other patrons become when some people spend excess time trying to work out the instructions.

A picture of the instructions can be found here with thanks to Bus Australia

hrmms… sounds like something Crikey would say when referring to RA.

“RA’s coverage of the unfolding recumbant bike debate can found here and here.” (Note that the heres aren’t linked) “From myself to all involved… Well done you knuckle heads. You couldn’t find a root in brothel with fist full of fifties.”

Now that’s just funny.

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