I’m a pedestrian as well as an occasional commuting cyclist but have never quite come to understand how best to use my bell while on a shared walking/cycle path, nor what the bell from behind means.
Certainly as a pedestrian the ding right behind me usually leads to me jumping out of my skin so I’ve stopped ringing my bell when I’m cycling so much. I tend now instead to steer wide around people often leaving the formed path, and if necessary announce ‘passing on your right/left’.
Is ringing at 2m behind the problem? Would ringing with a bit more notice change perceptions?
As a gauge of community views, what do Rioters think of this? Am I just being a bit skittish in fearing the bell means impending collision? I guess it could also mean get off the path you silly walker/a mere warning of presence/hi!/gosh you have a good behind…