MIKES Meats Pty Ltd has issued a voluntary recall of 600gm and 900gm Prager Leg Hams from Mikes Meats retail stores and three other butchers in the ACT due to bacterial contamination.**
“Routine microbiological testing conducted by the manufacturer has found Listeria monocytogenes in a sample of Prager Leg Ham, Batch numbers 120904 and 120925,” said Acting Chief Health Officer Dr Andrew Pengilly.
The voluntary recall of the product has been conducted as a precautionary measure.“People are asked to discard and not use any of the affected products they may have purchased. The Health Protection Service is working closely with Mikes Meats Pty Ltd and Food Safety Australia and New Zealand.
“Listeriosis is an uncommon bacterial infection caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes. Healthy people exposed to Listeria will not generally experience any symptoms. Symptoms of Listeriosis include: fever, headache, tiredness, muscle aches and less commonly gastrointestinal illness.
“Some people in high-risk groups can become severely unwell if they develop listeria infection. These include pregnant women and those whose immune systems are suppressed. Treatment of the infection in these people usually requires hospitalisation and antibiotic therapy.”
“Certain foods are recognised as carrying a higher risk for Listeria contamination and include soft cheeses, manufactured and cold meats (including deli style hams and chicken), raw and smoked seafood, salads, pate and ready-to-eat foods such as sandwiches.
“Anyone concerned about their health is advised to consult their general practitioner.”
_A fact sheet on Listeriosis is available at health.act.gov.au/publications-reports/factsheets/listeria-and-listeriosis. Details of the recall can be found at foodstandards.gov.au/consumerinformation/foodrecalls/currentconsumerlevelrecalls/mikesmeatspragerhamm5696.cfm_