Prescribed burns will take place at Mount Wanniassa and near Hall Cemetery today and at Canberra Nature Park, Red Hill, tomorrow, weather permitting, according to ACT Parks and Conservation Service.
The 32-hectare Mount Wanniassa prescribed burn will take place in the Wanniassa Hills Nature Reserve near Erindale Drive, Fadden.
The two-hectare Hall ecological burn near the cemetery and Wallaroo Road is designed to promote growth of native flora while also suppressing weed species and helping to increase biodiversity, according to a spokesman for Parks and Conservation.
Tomorrow, a 19-hectare prescribed burn will take place near the Canberra Nature Park in Red Hill, west of Gowrie Drive, Deakin, weather permitting.
Yesterday’s prescribed burn at Kambah is now in the patrol phase and crews will continue to monitor for any signs of smoke or flames.
File photo of a controlled burn in 2014