I saw the media recently from that bastion of protectionism, Cory Benardi, that he wants to ban the burquas from Parliament House. His call was echoed by that Pauline Hanson clone, Jacqui Lambie, that the burqua be banned in Oz entirely.
Good one. Not!
There are so many issues at stake here. Firstly, I agree that the garb is a presentation of the subjugation of women and it should be resisted. It is how it is resisted that I have issues with.
That aside, has anyone looked at the stupidity of this call to ban the dress from Parliament House?
Let me suggest that if I were a terrorist and wanted to make mayhem in Parly House, I would want to firstly appear as a part of the crowd. I wouldn’t want to draw attention to myself.
Anyone who has visited Parly House knows that one has to go through the security screening and guess what, the AK 47 was spotted under the burqua at that point! Just as it was under the raincoat of the (fake) priest and the Buddhist nun.
How many times has a Buddhist monk stood out in the crowd when visiting Parly House? Every time, I reckon.
So what makes people think that a woman wearing a burqua won’t stand out, just a little bit?
Perhaps the security guards might notice? And this is after she has gone through security screening!
So get real, folks! Terrorists don’t generally draw attention to themselves BEFORE letting loose. Anyone wearing a burqua is not likely to be a threat to us in Parly House if they have been through the screening process.
And on top of that, how many of you have ever been through the halls of Senate offices? I have and you can let off a shotgun in the halls without shooting anyone. There is rarely anyone in those corridors. Benardi is so wrong!
As for Lambie, she wants to ban the burqua nationwide. Why? Because it doesn’t show a person’s face? So what? You see people with motor bike helmets walking around all the time without being challenged (unless they go into a bank or shop, where there is no screening).
But again, how many of you have seen a woman in a burqua? Don’t get it mixed up with a niqab or a hijab, or even a headscarf. It is the one with the mesh.
Don’t you reckon, this outfit draws attention to itself rather than blends into our community and thus if you have a problem, you know about it rather early?
If you have a problem with the subjugation of women, I am on your side. If you have a fear because you can’t see a women’s face, get over it!