21 February 2012

Bus stops for Adelaide Avenue

| johnboy
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Simon Corbell has put forth word that he is thinking about putting more bus stops on Adelaide Avenue:

The ACT Labor Government is investigating options for several new bus stops along Adelaide Avenue which would make public transport more available to residents of Canberra’s inner south, including Deakin, Yarralumla and Curtin, Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development, Simon Corbell announced today.

“Currently residents in the suburbs along Adelaide Avenue, between Woden and Civic, see regular bus services pass through, but there are no stops that allow passengers to join services into the Civic and Woden Town Centres and this study will look at options to fix this problem,” Mr Corbell said.

“There is no reason why residents in Curtin, Deakin and Yarralumla should have to travel to the Civic and Woden Town Centres on a suburban service, before taking a further journey, which can often take a lot longer than a direct service up Adelaide Avenue.”

Mr Corbell said the government’s plan with this investigation is to make public transport more accessible on one of Canberra’s busiest transport corridors in and out of the city centre.

“The investigation is looking at three locations along Adelaide Avenue, including Hopetoun Circuit in Deakin/Yarralumla, Kent/Novar Street in Deakin and Carruthers Street in Curtin,” Mr Corbell said.

Apparently these cogitations will cost us $200,000.

UPDATE 21/02/12 15:47: Alistair Coe is not impressed by spending this much money on a study.

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As if the Yarralumla elite are going to catch a bus.

pikiran_keruh1:12 pm 13 Aug 12

what is the problem with the bus stops if only limited serves stop…can maintain the express

Wow the problem i have with the buses is they are too slow. so lets add more bus stops onto the express route to slow more buses down. Yes I realise not all buses would have to use them, but still all this does is slow the network down.

thy_dungeonman6:07 pm 12 Aug 12

It would be nice if they put a bus stop somewhere between where hind-marsh drive goes under the parkway and cooleman court. That way in addition the 27 to warmanga I would be able to catch any bus to cooleman court and be able to get home instead of riding past my suburb, getting of at cooleman court and then walking back up the hill in the direction I just came from. I’ve ridden the bus on similar roads in sydney and they have bus bays along them so it’s easy for the buss to simply pull out of traffic and pick up passengers along the way rather than wasting time looping around the suburbs. I really hate the way some roads in Canberra are huge dead zones sourrounded by mounds, walls and hedges that are hostile to pedestrians or any kind of other traffic moving around the edges.

they don’t need rams and stairs as there are off and on ramps crossing those intersections. They just have to put the bus stop there and move the bus lane to the left side of the road. Thankyou I’ll have that 200k please.

BicycleCanberra4:33 pm 21 Feb 12

Kim F said :

They would not be able to modify the bridges with stairs plus associated roadworks for the pull in bay for $200k

This is a consultants study fee only, of course this wont be paying for the Bus stops, ramps,and stairs. The Kambah shared path Bridge is costing $ 5 million. But then we have spent billions on Roads in the last twenty years.

Canberra needs international expertise on this……….http://t.co/HqXihMog

FFS Corbel. Stop trying to put lipstick on the pig that is ACTION.

Wake up and give us a true public transport service – instead of runnign it down to the point where you can justify selling off another asset to the private sector (and yes I know we are talking about a labor govt here) – but the state of our public transport system here has got to a point where this seems to be the only motive behind their strategy of mismanaging it so badly.

How about inviting members of the public to have a true say in how our public transport system is to be redesigned (instead of these ‘consultation papers that they promptly ignore). Have a community-based committee with some real say in how the system shoudl be run now and into the future perhaps?

You can see some of the design options at a community information session at the Curtin shops on Saturday 25 February.
It’s outside Coles at Curtin Shops – corner Carruthers and Theodore Streets, Curtin between 12pm and 2pm.

To find out more about the feasibility study, visit http://www.transport.act.gov.au

I think buses are a more realistic, cheaper, and faster option than light rail (for now) along this corridor. Keep the bus lane in the middle, and have stairs from the overpasses (a la M2 in Sydney). You can still have your express routes, but you will also have non-express buses able to pull into a bus stop.

Did someone say “light rail”???

(Fast, efficient, multi-stops along the transit corridors – this is what Adelaide Avenue, Northbourne Avenue, Canberra Avenue were designed for FFS!)

If they want to put in more bus stops, how about one on Athlon drive in between Wanniassa and Kambah? There is a massive stretch there with no stops between Greenway and Mawson / Torrens area.

Kim F said :

They would not be able to modify the bridges with stairs plus associated roadworks for the pull in bay for $200k

If I understand correctly, the $200k is just to talk about it.

Oh come off it! Yarra Glen/Adelaide Ave is a major arterial road and was designed to provide rapid transit between the City and Woden, the first satellite town in Canberra. Similarly public transport along the route was originally designed as an express intertown service with no stops. To put bus stops along the route would be like the Athllon Drive/Drakeford Drive disaster of 20 or so years ago when bus stops suddenly appeared in the middle of the road and the left lane and drivers suddenly had to brake in order to avoid a rear-end collision.

Another case of trying to promote public transport at the expense of the PBM (Poor Bloody Motorist).

Erg0 said :

If you’re not familiar with the three streets mentioned, they all run either under or over Adelaide Ave. I would imagine that the bus stops would be on the centre median, with pedestrian access via the bridges.

They would not be able to modify the bridges with stairs plus associated roadworks for the pull in bay for $200k

Unless there are extra buses running from Woden to Civic during peak hours this won’t work as the last stop before Adelaide Av (Melrose Drive) the buses are usually full and don’t stop.

Kim F said :

Does this mean busses chortling along in the express lane will have to cut across 2 lanes of traffic to pull up at bus stop then repeat to rejoin express lane ? That will be fun in peak hour !

If you’re not familiar with the three streets mentioned, they all run either under or over Adelaide Ave. I would imagine that the bus stops would be on the centre median, with pedestrian access via the bridges.

Does this mean busses chortling along in the express lane will have to cut across 2 lanes of traffic to pull up at bus stop then repeat to rejoin express lane ? That will be fun in peak hour !

Bus routes between town centres are supposed to be express, the Woden/Cityroute is the only one left without signaficant stops along the way. Belconnen/city takes forever as you meander through Bruce and Tuggers to Woden stops along Athlon.

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