I’m interested on hearing thoughts on this, I recently purchased a new car from a dealer in Phillip that shall remain nameless (although it does rhyme with shommonwealth boaters). Anyway, I went to pick it up and when the salesperson was handing over the keys and going through some features (its pretty sick), I had turned it on (thats what she said!) and saw that the petrol light was on.
Me: Oh, it has no petrol
Salesperson: Sorry about that, they usually just put $10 in.
Me: I guess I’m going straight to the petrol station then.
Salesperson (who I can only assume did not catch the sarcasm/annoyance): you’ll have enough to get there, its just around the corner.
A couple of issues here. I had just purchased a brand new car, surely they can factor in the cost of giving someone even half a tank of petrol?? Two, they usually put $10 in? Sheesh, why bother!
What do you think, it should come with a half/full tank or just enough fumes to get one to the closest petrol station?