After learning of swimming lane segregation based on gender, Pastafarian leader, The Flying Spaghetti Monster(FSM) is calling on the ACT for support to provide an option for Pastafarian’s only swimming in the ACT.
“A number of noodly knights have contacted me raising the case for Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster only swimming in the ACT,” said Lord FSM (in pirate language).
“Providing Pastafarian’s only swimming would increase the availability of swimming to a number of followers and benevolent pirates in our community, both for safety, and for fun.
“Some followers and families currently do not use our public pools due to religious reasons, accessibility concerns, or for body image reasons.”
Flying Spaghetti Monster followers require pasta sauce as a liquid medium for aquatic locomotion. Consensus suggests ‘marinara’ the most fitting flavour.
Are there any FSM followers, or sympathizers to the cause amongst the rioters before we submit the proposal to the Greens?