I want to know how many Canberrans can say this statement out loud right now and mean it.
“I seem to spend my my entire life in meetings talking about things that me and my colleagues are going to do. The truth is, we never get to do them because we waste our time in all of THESE BLOODY MEETINGS !!”
My Monday is full of meetings. I have 5 of the mongrels scheduled for the day.
The first one is at 9am, the last is at 4.30pm.
They will suck the life out of my day. All bar one of them has no apparent purpose other than to tick the box that says we had that meeting. I don’t need to know about what every other individual in my section is doing, and they don’t really need to know about my business. I don’t need our section head to share the latest report with us. I don’t need to talk any more about engaging with our stakeholders.
Not sure how your workplace functions, but a quick scan of my diary from the last 2 weeks showed that more than half of my workday was consumed by meetings.
The economist John Kenneth Galbraith once said, “meetings are indispensable when you don’t want to do anything,” and he’s absolutely right.
I was reading a Clarizen/Harris Interactive survey, I think it’s American based, but it applies here. It suggests that only 40 percent of employees think status update meetings waste valuable time, and 70 percent say these meetings don’t help them get any work done. And 67 percent of those surveyed say they are spending up to four hours per week getting ready for their next status update meeting.
And how many times do you sit there waiting for the meeting to wrap up but because every single attendee wants to add their little bit, because everybody wants to show their worth, it drags on and on and on.
Surely it’s not like this in the private sector ? Is it ?
What’s the meeting situation at your workplace ?
Sebastian Fernandez is a new contributor to the RiotACT. As a long time resident of Canberra, he is a keen observer of her quirks, whether fondly or not.