[First filed: Aug 26, 2010 @ 10:09]
Pretend you had never heard of “NoWaste 2010“, imagine for a moment that “Vision Zero” remained just a twinkle in Jon Stanhope’s eye.
Even then you’d still split your sides laughing at Simon Corbell’s plan for carbon neutrality by 2060.
No seriously. Really, you kids up the back stop sniggering.
A government incapable of organising hard rubbish or green waste collection is going to end greenhouse emissions armed only with:
- — regular reporting to the Legislative Assembly on the ACT’s greenhouse gas emissions trends;
— establishing a Climate Change Council, which will provide independent advice on climate change issues as they effect business and the wider community;
— encouraging private entities to take action through voluntary sector agreements with Government.
Now before you think Simon’s been into the reindeer wee (comment #3) observe the rat cunning in the statement.
The Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Bill 2010 formally set out the Government commitment to carbon neutrality by 2060 and peaking in per capita emissions by 2013.
2013 you say?
So we hit the nominal peak emissions (ie no problem if there have been no results) one year after the 2012 ACT election and then have 3 years to slink away from miserable failure and reframe targets as aspirations before 2016 (at which point hopefully it’s someone else’s problem?).
It’s a hell of a way to run a railroad.
UPDATE: Catallaxy has a blunt assessment of this piece of policy:
Here are the implications of this target:
— it will not be achieved – unless there is a nuclear power station providing energy to the ACT; or if it is achieved
— there will be a dramatic de-industrialisation or depopulation in the ACT.