I dig Canberran wines, but truth be told I’m a bit of a rummy so…
Anyways it seems Shaw Vineyard Estate are doing quite well for themselves, seeing as they just opened a store in China.
In conjunction with Suntay Wines, the new wine shop and wine-tasting room in Haikou, Hainan Island, exclusively features wines produced by Murrumbateman-based Shaw Vineyard Estate.
The recent launch was well attended by local Chinese and Australian representatives, including Graeme Shaw, CEO of Shaw Vineyard Estate, Andrew Ng, the China representative of the Estate, and Chen Hao, the Principal of Suntay Wines.
Staff from Shaw Vineyard Estate carefully executed their export strategy by focusing on the emerging China market, which they entered more than five years ago.
Graeme Shaw with Chen Hao outside the new shop
Their wines are in high demand and excel in the Chinese wine market. The company now plans to open two more Shaw Vineyard Estate cellar doors in China, with the next locations to be in Shi Jia Zhuang in Hebei province and Changzhi in Shanxi province.
Shaw Vineyards also has its sights on opening a new warehouse in Guangzhou in Guangdong province to supply directly to smaller wine shops and selected hotels.