I don’t think it was that long ago that I used to be able to check out a gig guide and find a litany of upcoming fairly major Australian, and sometimes international acts. We’d get enough that my disappointment was generally around an inability to go to all of them. January/February was always a particularly good time as we got the remnants of acts who were doing the festival circuits.
I’ve spent the last 2 months waiting for these gigs to appear… And this year, they never did.
What happened to music in this city? When did it become the case that the only time I can see good, “name” acts is at our bogan, university-based, pay-$130-so-you-can-pass-out-by-3pm festivals?
Of course, we lack good venues – the theatre is lame for any rock or indy act. Transit is tiny, and ANU and UC’s venues are full of the same crowd as the aforementioned festivals – but with less crowd control.
But it didn’t stop hundreds of people going. Apart from a couple of failed festivals, most of the gigs with well-known artists are full.
So again, what happened?
There’s only so many times I can go to the Phoenix with its, at best, 66% strike rate of crap, and pretend that I’m happy giving these chumps money.