“The Hundred Days” is best known as the period between Napoleon’s return from exile and his Old Guard breaking at Waterloo. (Although the phrase also has other less catastrophic historical antecedents.)
The increasingly Napoleonic Jon Stanhope has announced that celebrations may commence to mark his own Hundred Days since he dragged his shattered troops back into the corridors of power.
- “ACT Labor has focused its first 100 days in government on building a better city and a stronger community through delivering on its election commitments and investing responsibly in the community to protect jobs, Chief Minister Jon Stanhope said today.
Mr Stanhope said he was proud of his government’s achievements since returning to office last November, which include work on three new operating theatres, a $3.5 million welfare package and the opening of the $45 million Kingsford Smith School.”
So Rioters, before the Prussians arrive, what have been the highlights for you of les Cent Jours?
UPDATED: Zed “Blücher” Seselja is celebrating another victory on the floor of the Assembly:
- “The Chief Minister, Jon Stanhope, suffered yet another humiliating defeat in the ACT legislative Assembly today as his motion in support of Kevin Rudd’s stimulus package was voted down by the Liberal Opposition with the support of the Greens”