1 February 2006

Clea Rose killer sentenced

| Kerces
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The 15-year-old boy who was charged with manslaughter over the death of Clea Rose last year was sentenced to 18 months jail today.

WIN News reported the boy was also sentenced to 6 months jail for car theft, although I didn’t catch whether these are concurrent sentences or not.

Ms Rose’s father said this decision should be a lesson to young offenders not to stray into NSW.

UPDATE The ABC now has a story up about this. The boy was sentenced to three years jail but is eligible for release in 18 months.

Justice Terry Connolly said that while there was nothing the courts could do to ease the Rose family’s pain, he “would impose a sentence that would send a message to the community that joy riding in stolen cars would ultimately lead to someone getting killed”.

FURTHER UPDATE The Canberra Times story, which has a bit of background as well, is now up.

ADDITIONAL UPDATE: Bill Stefaniak has put out a media release asking pertinent questions as to the bailing of young delinquents.

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Mike said :

The sentence might seem trivial, but a 15 year old driver who is “genuinely remorseful” (ABC News) is unlikely to be a danger to the community after his release. He may be a criminal, but he is not immune to the emotional stresses of this event and it’s probable that this will prove a far greater burden than serving time. It’s a tragedy for a family to lose someone, but that also holds true for the driver’s family. They certainly haven’t done anything wrong (it couldn’t hurt for them to have paid more attention to the driver’s hobbies perhaps), and they don’t deserve to lose their loved one (to a greater sentence, that is) as a result of his mistake.
It’s admirable that the victim’s family “would work with the boy to help him turn his life around”. Perhaps now he will become a doctor, a firefighter, a teacher. One can only hope that he genuinely feels some need to give back to the community. At least such a tragic event has the potential to turn an aspiring car thief into someone who might in future make a positive difference in people’s lives. Our justice system acknowledges that, as does the victims family. — “Now anger has got an anecdote and the anecdote is compassion and that’s one of the reasons we’ve offered to try and walk the walk with that fellow and his family.”

Or not.

Deadmandrinking4:27 pm 07 May 07

I agree with Mike. Kid made a foolish mistake that will scar him for the rest of his life. At least now he’ll come out with time to atone for it, not when he’s 45, completely screwed and a general danger to society.

midnitecalla6:29 pm 06 Feb 06

IM stupid? geez BM is not about intelligence its about diplomacy and tact , which it seems you have not gotten the concept of.

Its not how the deceased’s life is over so stop bleating about it as you so intelligently quoted NOT!. AS I said it never stops so there is no over to get over…..missed the point completley.

sure you miss your GDad but I miss mine also as do a lot of readers on this medium, and although the greater world carries on, and the freinds and aquaintences of my deceased freinds and rellos fade away, the fact remains that the Emotional Black Hole is still there. And to have a fellow like your self with no basic conversational skills/ diplomacy /tact come up to myself in gunghalin and say get over it would result in your immed and severe personal discomfort.

As I said, I challenge you to approach those left behind visiting graves / columbariums and whom are still hurting years after and yell in thier faces “get over it” bet you wont and dont.

We are not exhalting the dead on this thread of conversation Blamies the issue is that it was a massive waste of life.and a boy got an expected slap on the wrist.you skewed it in to an area most posters on this blog at least treat with some respect as death touches us all. we all have some one we miss and cannot replace, BM angels or not.

Absent Diane4:22 pm 06 Feb 06

BM – you are right that perhaps her death may not affect ‘contributor’s’ to the website… but it’s a harsh reminder that it could happen to anyone or anyone’s loved ones… its kind of a selfishly motivated compassion… which I think is fair enough

FFS Blamies, you’re advocating a shut down of discourse which defines and perpetuates the medium it is occuring on.

Quit being such a douche.

personaly I think he deserved a stronger sentence, but I’m not going to whinge about the sentence because i’m not willing to do anything about it.

BM, or can I call you Blamies?

Blamies, thanks for that, it’s an interesting point to try and introduce calm into a debate given to exaggeration and emotion.

Now to be direct. Do you think, cool-headedly, the sentence was too lenient? Try to think on these points:

Is he truely feeling the weight of the death he caused?

Does his past record indicate a respect for the judicial process?

General feeling is against any contrition on his part. Given the kids past record do you think 18 months in the slammer is enough to change him for the better? Or will it drill his bad attitude even deeper into his already delinquent psyche?

Theres not much info to go on, but do your best.

And I hope you mention the fact when I Die.

People sensationalise the life individuals have led after they have died. My grandfather is dead I loved him but that doesn’t change the fact he was a racist and an ass-hole, and from his wake onwards I remembered his life for what it was not just the best bits.

Lacking any evidence to suggest it, you’re a bit of a dickhead to raise the possibility.

I don’t see why I should apologise, i have just used an example to show the way a lot of people describe the dead, you would think that the way people carry on more dead people should be put up for sainthood.

I started the post with the fact that i didn’t know Ms. Rose, she may have been a really lovely person or she may not have been.

The whole point have been trying to make is that she is dead and nobody here can change that, her killer has been sentenced and people can try and do something about that, if all people want to contribute is static noise about how the kid should be shot, be give a harsher sentence sorry guys but those words are nothing but a small drop in the ocean.

I feel i have put forward my honest opinion of the matter, where others are looking at the world with blinkers on and are not being realistic.

Actually, due to google and the small nature of Canberra, quite a lot of people reading this site knew and loved Clea.

So you might want to consider an apology pretty quick smart BM.

Midnitecalla, to make the assumption that I have never attended a funeral is just stupid, I have said goodbye to loved ones at funerals, my point is after the funeral move on, that person is dead and there is nothing more you or I can/could do about it.

Just a question did anyone actually know Clea or her Killer? anybody? because you never know Clea could have been a real bitch in high school, but you never hear any bad stuff about the dead after they die.

has anybody who has a problem with the kids sentence done anything about or just had a little cry about it here? If you actually did do something about what felt regarding the sentencing your words would have more weight.

Either do something about about it or get the fuck over it…

Vic Bitterman10:47 pm 03 Feb 06

schemerica, I understand now what you are saying and your viewpoint. For that I thank you.

*cough* Vic ? Erm…

“The sentence is not reasonable for someone who is so young and has the potential to re-offend in a mere 18 months.

It was a tragic accident. What’s even more tragic is that he was given such a pathetic sentence for robbing a young woman of her future.” Feb 1st.

All I am saying is capital punishment is NOT the solution, and I am damn sure the ‘Average Australian Citizen’ agree’s.

Another thing that I am also fairly sure about is the ‘Average Australian Citizen’ would not agree that a mere 18 month sentence is suitable for someone involved in such an incident.

I actually do believe that the Australian Law is too lenient in cases such as the one involving Ms. Rose. But what I do NOT believe in is capital punishment, and you can call me whatever you want, abuse me and put me down but I will NEVER agree with capital punishment.

At least read what’s going on before you start criticizing.

midnitecalla10:30 pm 03 Feb 06

Bm attend any of the nations cemeteries and see the the ones left behind. and i challenge you to go up to them and yell in thier face to get over it!

midnitecalla10:01 pm 03 Feb 06

BM unless you have ever attended a funeral you woulnt know . so saying get the F@#$% over it

is just words at the end of the day, as once a person has gone to general public and associates and aquaintences all thats left is the immed family and freinds.

BM you never get over it. there is a $%^&*^ing big black hole there that never diminishes. that boy will get to drink his first beer f%^k his first woman get his first pay slip .All because of the soft laws. clea wont get to her first formal wont get her first expreinces like that will be afforded to the one who stopped her life.

Clea’s parents and close freinds wont get over it as there is no “over” to get as its continuing and will be as long as those people are alive.

Vic Bitterman9:52 pm 03 Feb 06

blamemonkey and schmerica are the absolute, rock solid perfect examples of brainwashed, bleeding heart elitist liberals who bleat and whinge about how cruelly tough we are as a society are towards criminals.

Hate to tell ya’s, your average person on the street disagrees with you.

Your average citizen is sick and tired of scumbag criminals getting slaps on their wrists for ‘punishment’ when they get caught out for their assorted crimes.

Sick and tired.

There was one victim in this crime, Clea Rose. No, make that two – her family.

The punishment most certainly did not suit the crime.

You are cold hearted, brutal and calculated if you think otherwise. Pathetic, really.

BM, you notice that *whizz* sound that just passed your ear? That was the point, that you failed to grab on your way past.

Oh please….

I’d LOVE for you to say that to Clea Rose’s family….GET THE FUCK OVER IT!

The point is that this little turd should be in jail for a hell of a lot longer than 18 months and it is BLATANTLY obvious that he has no respect for society or the law by re-offending whilst on a GBB. Those things aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on.

My point through out this whole thing is get the fuck over it.

He has been sentenced you can change that GET THE FUCK OVER IT.

She’s dead too bad so sad GET THE FUCK OVER IT.

All of your whining isn’t going to change what has happened so guess what GET THE FUCK OVER IT.

Vic last i checked I’m paying taxes as well and i don’t think that “your taxes” will make any difference to what happens in Australia if you became unemployed or left the country.

Are you the sort of Red Neck that enjoys spouting off at Cops and parking inspectors “I pay your wages”?

I would like to support schmerica, I think we should start a fund “Ship Vic to America” i think the south would suit him.

Punisher? Maybe I’m a solutioner, but not punisher. Immediate solution, lock the kid up in unpleasent circumstances. One, to punish him and make it clear his behaviour will not be tolerated. Two, so he is a captive audience for an intelligent rehabilitation effort. The problem is delinquent driving killing innocent bystanders. In this one case we stop the problem immediately and go on to defuse it in the future.

Simple stuff slinky, please stop spurting your blood on my shoes.

Just some perspective here – the victim is dead. Now, unless I’ve wildly misread my understanding of modern philosophy, dead people have the right to lie comfortably in the ground, and that’s about it. So all the rest of the talk about “Victim’s rights” is a load of nonsense.

Now, if we want to talk about “society’s rights” in the matter (which means – how do the rest of us want to remain safe from car-stealing, teenage girl flatening hooligans), we can. But to claim that a corpse has a right to vengeance … well, that’s getting just a tad freaky for me.

Slinky the Shocker11:19 pm 02 Feb 06

Maybe he should change his name into Bud Wiserman 😉

Vic – If you believe in capital punishment you should probably look at moving to another country where your views are appreciated. The USA perhaps? I have no doubt you’d fit right on in.

Vic Bitterman8:41 pm 02 Feb 06

Fortunately for society, the blame-anyone-but-me mentality is restricted to soft cock tree huggers, perfect examples being blamemonkey and schmerica.

I’m ashamed to be in the same gene pool as you.

I bet you pair want to give the criminal lots of money to help him turn his poor wittle life around. My money by the way – my taxes. Nup, fuck him, and fuck you and your pathetic elitist attitudes.

You people need to open your eyes to who the real victims are.

Slinky, “punishers”???


The people who are meant to punish those who break the law aren’t doing their jobs. What will it take before they realise that this kid will be back in a car the minute he walks out of Quamby.

I hope that it doesn’t happen and that he learns some respect for the law, but I highly doubt it.

In 18 months time I will be regularly checking the AFP website because I sure as hell don’t want to be in a car when this idiot steals another one (and he will) and he hits me and my kids are in the car with me…..

Hmmm, I can’t be a conservative, as in your case Slinky, I support abortion.

BM – “I would like to point out that I don’t care about the kids sentence or Clea’s death”…
I’d hope that was tongue in cheek or you’re seriously lacking in empathy. Check the dictionary for narcissism there ole chum.

Slinky the Shocker3:35 pm 02 Feb 06

toad, kimba, Git and all the other punishers: You think we should be even more like the US of A? Good news for youse: Johnny and the crew are working on it. Maybe we’ll the electric chair soon. Viva the conservative revolution!

BM, this case is symbolic of many things people think are wrong in the legal system, it’s not just about this one instance of dead Clea and her good-as-scot free killer. I know it may be hard for you to read deeper into what people are saying, but please try.

Lynch mob..now we’re talking 🙂

barking toad2:03 pm 02 Feb 06

hey, monkey, that’s a good idea. But can you remind us in about 18 months when he’ll be due out

just curious though – why comment if ya don’t give a flying about anything to do with the incident? Not that you’re not allowed to of course.

Sorry Vg, I’m not much of a speller. And I agree with you Nyssa76, the rights of the killer should NEVER outweigh the rights of the victim.

“That 15yo arsewipe should be shot, and send his family the bill for the bullet. ” Is a very ignorant and narrow-minded approach to anything. Taking a life for a life is not a dignified way to deal with things and the great country we live in does not support such a stupid view.

What’s happened – happened. I think everyone agree’s that the sentence handed to this kid wasnt not severe enough for the crime he committed. Unfortunatly there is nothing we can do about it. It is what it is. The End.

I would like to point out that I don’t care about the kids sentence or Clea’s death.

She died, he got sentenced get over it,
if you can’t do that get together a Mob a Lynch the Kid I’m sure Barking Toad, Kimba and Vic Bitterman will happily be involved and then get the Fuck over it.

barking toad12:00 pm 02 Feb 06

“I’m assuming that the boy in the Canberra incident was too ignorant to consider the consequences of his actions”

..the fuck? Not too ignorant to have nicked vehicles before – and be caught at it.

Nail ‘im up I say!

The rapist can hang out with Sef Gonzales anyway…

Kimba – I’m not as familiar with the Sydney incident, however I draw a distinction between someone who accidentally takes a life and someone who commits a violent, premeditated attack (which I gather is the case in the Sydney incident). I’m assuming that the boy in the Canberra incident was too ignorant to consider the consequences of his actions. Had he committed a violent attack a significantly longer sentence would be further justified. However I see it only as a tragic accident, for which the boy is nonetheless 100% responsible. Please don’t make assumptions regarding my opinion (or others’ opinions for that matter) on a matter in which the only similarity (to my knowledge) is the age of the offender and the outcome of the offence.

Well I just hope that nobody accidentally runs this turd down as he steps out the front gates of Quamby in 18 months time. Of course, they’d be remorseful after doing so! 😉

He should be going to Goulburn: he could share a cell in Super-Max with that ‘nice’ Lebanese-Australian rapist fellow from Sydney.

Hmmmm……two 14-year-old girls have been charged with the bashing to death of the disabled taxi driver in Sydney. They have also been charged with aggravated robbery in company, stealing a motor vehicle, and two counts of robbery in company armed with a knife.

Of course types such as Mike, Bodhichitta Blamemonkey etc would just say the poor dears are just victims of society and aren’t responsible for their actions. A slap on their wrists and back to the streets for these darlings.


Ludacris is a rap ‘artist’

Ludicrous is the word you were looking for

I guess that’s what it comes down to in the end Tallian. I find it hard to believe that someone so young could be responsible for taking another’s life and not be deeply affected by it. I agree with JB with regards to stricter sentencing for car theives, particularly those stealing for joy-rides. A harsher sentence for this boy will not act as a deterrent for other joy-riders unless a similarly harsher sentence is applied to those whose stupidity doesn’t result in such a tragic event. They will simply consider it too unlikely that they would ever fall into a similar situation. However revenge should have no place in the justice system of a civilised society, and I can see no other reason for a significantly greater sentence.

Vic Bitterman9:16 pm 01 Feb 06

You bleeding heart fuckwits make me sick.

My 8yo daughter watched the news with me last night, and said he was a very bad man who should not have stolen the car.

An 8yo girl who understands consequences and difference between right and wrong.

I’ve never discussed this with her or said anything.

He feels remorse? Well fucking la-de-da. He’s got a bigger crime sheet than I bet every single person here posting will ever get in their lives, cobined.

That 15yo arsewipe should be shot, and send his family the bill for the bullet.

I wonder if the boy was truly remorseful, or just well coached to appear that way to gain sympathy from the court. Bet you all he does in gaol is learn how to be a better criminal for when he comes out.

Criminal matters aren’t about the victim, not should they be. They’re about our laws being broken.

My real sentencing problem isn’t this sentence, it’s the ones the little toe-rag had already accrued.

Short of just terminating the bugger now (which i think most folks here would agree is extreme) we have to try to make something of his life.

having said that stealing cars should be treated far more seriously by our justice system. and unlicenced drivers in stolen cars should all be getting 18 month sentences.

They’re screwing up people’s lives when they steal the car and putting us all in danger when they drive.

basically, our young friend should have already been in detention, not killing people.

I hope the justice/magistrate who let him back on the streets is sleeping OK.

schmerica, well I for one am not.

However, the punishment does not fit the crime.

The rights of the killer should NEVER outweigh the rights of the victim.

I keep reading ’18 months for a life taken’…

Does this mean that we are now going to start taking lives for lives ? Is that what your all heading towards?

The kid is 15 years old. He quite clearly did not think his actions through before he even got into the stolen car. He should be made a public example for all those little shit head’s around Canberra who think that they can get away with such ludacris behaviour.

Although I am reasonably young – I still recieve attitude from kid’s who have nothing better to do with their time than hang around the local shops. Where are their parents? Why are they not at home doing something constructive?

The sentence is not reasonable for someone who is so young and has the potential to re-offend in a mere 18 months.

It was a tragic accident. What’s even more tragic is that he was given such a pathetic sentence for robbing a young woman of her future.

[name deleted]

Each individual death is as important as another. Or didn’t you realise I was eluding to that statement?

The “simple death” is further disregarded by the legal system who think it “ok” to sentence her killer to an 18 month “detention” sentence.

Had the killer been 21yo and the victim 15yo the sentence would have been MAJORLY different.

If you take a life, there must be consequences for your actions. The decision by the judge only pushes the “I can get away with it” from the “me” generation.

The little turd’s records will be sealed, as he is a minor, and he can go on his merry way. Clea Rose doesn’t have that option.

nyssa76 what’s worse the loss of one life or the loss of many??

What is more tragic the death of Clea or the numerous suicides.

I’m not trying to Cheapen her Death (I think the media coverage has done that enough) but I’m also trying not to blow it out of proportion.

I didn’t know Clea or her Killer maybe some people have a personal connection to either or both of them, but the simple fact is the death of one Girl is not the end of the world.

Mourn the dead at there funeral, after that get over it a remember the person for who they were not how they died, or who they could have been…

barking toad4:28 pm 01 Feb 06

The reports are all a bit confusing. On one hand he’s clearly not happy that the ACT laws are so lenient compared to NSW but on the other hand he wants to meet and help the little mongrel.

I wonder if the quotes attributed have been taken at a time when he’s distracted by the grief and stress of the hearing.

I worry that his hope of rehabilitating the shit as a form of dealing with the tragic loss of his daughter will turn into cynical disgust as the offender graduates on release to things like assault and armed robbery.

apostropheman4:23 pm 01 Feb 06

Um, Maelinar, nice graphics but the boy will do his time in Quamby Youth Detention Centre, not jail.

For my two cents I agree that this boy needs to be punished, but what then? If he’s let out in 18 months, three years, or ten years he’ll still be a menace unless he is rehabilitated. Punishment alone is not enough to reduce crime and make for a safer community.

‘Mr Dunn said he was angry that ACT courts could not be as tough as other jurisdictions when sentencing for such crimes’

“The other thing I’m angry about, and it’s probably a message to every young hood out there who wants to steal a car and go joy-riding and kill somebody, make sure you don’t stray into NSW… I think the ACT is entirely too soft on this sort of thing.”

Mr Dunn said the family also wanted a police report on an internal investigation to be issued without delay

Do these quotes really sound like someone who is happy with the sentence?

Mr Dunn is still barking up the wrong tree with his anit-police crap.

The drivers family could have paid more attention to his hobbies and bought him a balaclava for Christmas.

I don’t particularly think the family is happy with the sentence if you take what the CT is saying.

‘Outside the court, Clea’s father, Ross Dunn, said his family were satisfied with the sentence’

‘And while angry the ACT justice system had allowed the teenager to steal the car’

“What happened had to happen… He had breached bail two weeks before he killed our daughter. He should have been taken off the street. He wasn’t. She’s dead.”

100% correct, I have misread Mikes original post. I’ll modify my accusation of anarchy to abject stupidity.

The pain of the killers family is entirely the killers fault. If they have a problem, they can take it up with him. He too should be made to suffer if he is ever to fully realise the consequences of his stupidity. making him feel like the ‘system’ is ‘inflicting’ this pain on him only encourages him to remain an asshole forevermore.

Can him for a longer time and spend it making sure he learns the error of his ways and modifies his behaviour beyond the initial lip service delivered in the dock.

Slinky the Shocker2:56 pm 01 Feb 06

RandomGit says: “You advocate anarchy.” That’s a crock. Mike advocates the current Australian law. And also I think it is a tad lenient too, the only people alive who were affected by it seem to be ok with the sentence.
To everyone else who is not happy with state of legal affairs: Why don’t you pick your favourite farm animal, tailor a super-hero costume and perform random acts of vigilantism as ‘Pigman, the caped crusader’.

If the Judges job is to, in general, hand out punishment to criminals that reflects the overall expectations of the community that it serves… then I suggest from the opposing opinions above that maybe the Judge got close to the right decision. The right decision being a decision that reflects the middle of community opinion on the matter. While I am not planning on ever being in front of a Judge, I would hope that the punishment would reflect the overall community expectation and not be determined by opinions on either end of the spectrum.

Blamemonkey – NOTHING is more important than life and losing life is the worst thing in the world.

Now, I’m sorry but:
1) he got behind the wheel of a car (which he has done more than once)
2) he was speeding in an effort to get away from police (what an idiot)
3) he hit a pedestrian when he entered a NO CAR area to get away from the police.
4) he’s done this more than once and NOTHING has deterred him from doing it again and I bet nothing will.

So why should we feel remorse for him? He got caught, he “feels remorse” now. Here’s a thought, why didn’t he think about his actions BEFORE he did them?

Children over 12 have that capacity.

He should be sentenced to more than 18 months.

There are victims in this situation – the Rose family, the owner of the car and his/her family, those who witnessed the event and those who attended to Clea.

Why are we making the little turd a victim? He’s old enough to know right from wrong and if someone tells me it’s because he had a “bad home life”…….

Let’s just say you’ll get the 411 on a truly bad home life and that not everyone who has one turns out to be a little turd who kills an innocent person.

Mr Evil.
unintentional = Accident
unintentional Killing = Manslaughter

Nuff Said

O = the size of the drivers bum now

| |
| | = the size in 18 months.

I do feel sorry, but not that much.

Unless he aimed the car straight at her it was an accident. I’m sure he didn’t mean to hit the girl.

And just for the benefit of all the bush lawyers on here it is was Justice Connolly, a JUDGE, not Magistrate who sentenced the lad.

“I would also like to say the kid is a minor, it was an accident,…..”

An accident, Blamemonkey? The little fucker stole a car and ran someone down: that’s not an accident, that’s manslaughter in my book. If he didn’t have a past record I’d maybe cut him some slack, but the fact is he’s a shit.

The only accident here is the idiot kid. His father should have pulled out and wiped him off on the bedsheets 15 years ago.

youd think the magistrate could have added some community service time, 23,000 hours or so, jail time is probably just going to harden the little fkr into dangerous as opposed to careless.

Well at least your willing to take a risk and make a personal investment in your rhetoric AD.

The most immediate concern is to shut this kid down, obviously, but he also needs the benefit of the doubt in a genuine attempt to rehabilitate him, as opposed to the clearly ineffective punishment of pure detention thus far.

On the flipside, the attempt by some to connect the killer with the victim via some sort of moral equivalence via metaphoric semantics is sickening.
Your heart’s in the right place Mike but your head is Relativist to your anus. You advocate anarchy.

The solution draws from both sides of the debate. He is criminally stupid and must be stopped from causing immediate harm. But he is still a human being and can be changed for the better in the choices he makes if the right efforts are applied.

Fortunately for him, the family of Clea Rose will try to make this their task. Evidently, no one else could be bothered to care enough.

Slinky the Shocker11:36 am 01 Feb 06

Diane: Maybe you should move to the USA, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia or Sudan. They (among others) still have the death penalty. If you think that’s a winner…

Absent Diane11:30 am 01 Feb 06

Thats what I said……. I have very very good balancing skills

You want him shot in your eyes? You realise that would break your neck.

Absent Diane11:17 am 01 Feb 06

Im a bleeding heart… I genuinely feel bad for both kids’ parents….I don’t however give a fuck about the wanker driving the car… the motherfucker should be shot in my eyes….

Slinky the Shocker11:01 am 01 Feb 06

Well spoken monkey…

a chick died and the kid got sentenced
everybody whinging and bitching about it here isn’t going to change anything.

When Ms. Rose died it is a sad loss of a young life, but get the F over it. the amount of more important shite that occurs in the world as well in Canberra that doesn’t make it to the news because it can’t be sensationalised is huge.

I would also like to say the kid is a minor, it was an accident, and he is remorseful, If people want to hammer other people for being bleeding heats well guess what you can have a label too
Pessimistic FUCKS!

Slinky the Shocker10:15 am 01 Feb 06

I would suggest that everyone on this thread give up their jobs and become magistrates. Or better, Attorney-Generals. Or maybe mates for the head of state. Then you could change the laws and rectify the injustice, although you might be at odds with Clea’s family about this. If they wanted, they actually could appeal…

Absent Diane10:11 am 01 Feb 06

The child should be banned from breeding

Thumper, his name has not been released because he’s a minor.

Mike and Bodhichitta, if they aren’t already, should become Magistrates. They already have the main requirement – a bleeding heart.

This ‘child’ is a bully and thug – just ask the those from his neighbourhood or the school he attended.

This will not be the last we’ll hear from this shithead.

Perhaps people like Mike and Bodhichitta need a similar experience close to them to bring them back to earth.

18 months really is a very sick joke. If it was 18 months of breaking rocks with a sledge hammer in the middle of the Simpson desert, then that would be okay, but unfortunately that not going to be the case.

Of course he’s remorseful, I’d be remorseful too if I thought it meant I’d get less punishment for doing something wrong!

barking toad9:00 am 01 Feb 06

Well mike that is a great big tree hugging hippie heap of crap.

Ii never ceases to amaze me how the perpetrator suddenly becomes the victim in the eyes of some.

The little shit had prior form and don’t be surprised if there are other matters involving offences that occurred after the hit-run. Remorse? He couldn’t even spell the word let alone know what it means.

Well said Mike and I completely agree.
Thanks for being the only one so far to show a bit of understanding and compassion for everyone concerned in this tragedy.

What’s the difference between slotting him for 10 years or for 30 years. Either way his life is pretty much over and he will have no chance of rehabilitation. At least with this sentence he’ll have a chance to think about what he’s done and how he can improve himself.

I wouldn’t go round blaming the judiciary on this one. The legislature has set the sentencing guidelines and they are bound by them. You don’t like the sentencing in the territory talk to Stanhope and his band of merry men. And if you don’t like their answer put them out at the ballot box.

Mike, the kid had a record of stealing cars. He’d only been out jail from the previous incident for six weeks when this one happened. A month and a half after time inside and he was back to his old tricks, only this time it was fatal.

Absent Diane8:34 am 01 Feb 06

If the kid becomes anything less than trash I would be very suprised.

Swaggie, I think that sentence re NSW might mean that the sentences in NSW are much harsher thus one you should commit crime there at risk of a harsher sentence.

I’m sorry Mike, but that’s a load of crap.

Had he been the older of the two, he would be looking (at a minimum) of a manslaughter charge.

However, due to his age he was treated with “kid gloves” when he should have been tried and sentenced as an adult.

He stole a car (grand theft auto style) and got behind the wheel of a car – without a licence or most likely any real training, he then proceeded to speed and hit an innocent bystander – manslaughter or murder (depending on his pre-meditation). 20 yrs wouldn’t have been enough.

The driver’s family – had they actually been doing their job anyway – are just as guilty. They obviously never taught their child respect for others, their property and the law.

Clea’s parents are bigger people than I would be in their situation.

That is without doubt one of the biggest loads of shit I’ve read on this forum

The sentence might seem trivial, but a 15 year old driver who is “genuinely remorseful” (ABC News) is unlikely to be a danger to the community after his release. He may be a criminal, but he is not immune to the emotional stresses of this event and it’s probable that this will prove a far greater burden than serving time. It’s a tragedy for a family to lose someone, but that also holds true for the driver’s family. They certainly haven’t done anything wrong (it couldn’t hurt for them to have paid more attention to the driver’s hobbies perhaps), and they don’t deserve to lose their loved one (to a greater sentence, that is) as a result of his mistake.
It’s admirable that the victim’s family “would work with the boy to help him turn his life around”. Perhaps now he will become a doctor, a firefighter, a teacher. One can only hope that he genuinely feels some need to give back to the community. At least such a tragic event has the potential to turn an aspiring car thief into someone who might in future make a positive difference in people’s lives. Our justice system acknowledges that, as does the victims family. — “Now anger has got an anecdote and the anecdote is compassion and that’s one of the reasons we’ve offered to try and walk the walk with that fellow and his family.”

Welcome to what some people face on a daily basis. Justice is a phrase loosely used in the ACT

That is incomprehensible, the legal system is absurd. The father’s quote seems odd “don’t stray into NSW”?? Am I missing something?

Vic Bitterman8:11 pm 31 Jan 06

A sickening, pathetic verdict.

Seems like our magistrates are just as out of control, and unaccountable, as NSW’s.

Wierd – I thought the kids court magistrate moved him to higher court cos the maximum sentence in kids court was only 2 years, and not adequate.

5 years at the very least would have been more appropriate…examples need to be set in this town, but I doubt that current govt policies and the courage and conviction of the bench to appropriately sentence offenders will not change in the near future.

It will be interesting to see any further action by the family of the girl who lost her chance at life…that kid gets a second chance and it would be hoped he will learn from this tragic event – trouble is that’s doubtful.

It’s a slap on the wrist and we all expected it.

The little turd should have been tried as an adult. He was playing “big man” and the sentence is pathetic.

If I were Clea’s parents, I’d file a civil suit against the boy and his parents for negligence etc.

The kid will come out of “detention” knowing that he has effectively ‘gotten away with murder’.

Now if Clea had been 15yo and the driver 22yo, well we all know what the sentence would be….


2 years for a life…

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