19 February 2025

You reckon the PM won't now be calling an election real soon?

| Chris Johnson
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Hon Anthony Albanese MP

Why wouldn’t Prime Minister Anthony Albanese call an election now that the RBA has cut interest rates? Photo: Michelle Kroll.

Did you hear the cheers coming out of the Cabinet bunker yesterday?

They shook the capital to its core.

Okay, that all might be a little dramatic, but it certainly wasn’t just mortgage holders feeling a sense of relief when the Reserve Bank of Australia cut the official interest rate by 0.25 of a percentage point Tuesday afternoon (18 February).

The Federal Government is over the moon about it.

It’s the first rate cut since 2020 and a much-needed boon for families and individuals in the cost-of-living struggle.

It is also something Anthony Albanese and his Labor team have been hanging their hopes on since November when the cash rate went up by the same amount.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has had a good run with the term ‘crisis’ when talking about the economy and, as the polls have shown, it’s been hurting the government – a government which desperately wants a second term.

READ ALSO Households and Labor relieved over RBA’s cut to interest rates

It’s a tiny cut, but it’s a cut nonetheless, and it is something homeowners, as well as borrowers and spenders of all descriptions across the country, haven’t had for nearly half a decade.

This rate cut comes with plenty of warnings that we’re nowhere near out of the inflation woods yet, and there are no guarantees of further cuts to come, particularly this year.

But make no mistake, Aussies are more than a little pleased that this cut has finally arrived.

It comes with an unheard-of promise from the four major banks to pass on the cut in full.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers did his best not to jump up and down on the spot with glee when announcing that the banks were on board – while also insisting he wasn’t taking credit for that little bonus add-on to the good news.

We can be sure, however, that he has had many a discussion with bank bosses about passing on the cut in full … if there was going to be one, of course.

Yep, it all adds up to great news for the Federal Government.

There are votes in this development for sure. Just how many is less sure.

The rate cut announcement came shortly after fresh political polling numbers were released in the Essential Poll.

It placed the two major parties in a tie at 48-48 on a two-party preferred basis.

Albanese and Dutton are now neck and neck in opinion polls, with both seeing a dive in their personal approval ratings.

While that’s not great news for Albo, it’s better than the weekend’s YouGov poll suggesting the Coalition is better placed to form minority government than Labor.

Dutton could be two crossbenchers away from becoming PM, YouGov says.

The Essential Poll has a better grip on the nation’s political pulse than YouGov, so this latest survey will be the one politicians are now paying more attention to.

READ ALSO Latest polling suggests Dutton could be next minority PM

But there will be another poll released on another day not too far away, and then another after that, and more right up until the election is held.

So, with a not-so-good poll coming directly on the back of a pretty awful poll for Labor, and with a rate cut coming on the back of years of hikes, why wouldn’t the PM seize the moment and pay Governor-General Sam Mostyn a visit?

Why not? Indeed, despite the Prime Minister doing the media rounds yesterday, he insisted he wasn’t rushing to an election because of the good news.

There’s a lot of ground to cover before the next government is decided, and Labor is still very much up against it for sure (that’s largely self-inflicted, by the way).

So, any upswing for it should be exploited as much and as soon as possible.

We can expect to hear much, much more from Labor about how it has been, and will continue to be, on the case of improving the economy.

We can expect to hear a great deal more too from the Coalition saying exactly the opposite.

And sooner rather than later, the G-G can expect to hear the PM asking her to dissolve the parliament and issue writs for an election.

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The PM will be at the GGs this Sunday for scones and tea. The cameras at the RBA announcement allowing Chalmers his glory moment ensures that will be the case.

Now compare and contrast this pro- ALP story with the anti-Peter Dutton and anti-conservative story that appeared a mere 24 hours ago from the same source. Anyone would think there was a Federal election in the offing and that this particular publication had already picked a side to back.

I assume you’ll be posting comments in News Corp publications and Sky News berating them about picking sides too.

I have counted 13 articles in newspapers today relating to Albo and Jodie’s wedding plans. Not giving too much away there are little snippets to keep the media interested and string us along. There will be more in the weeks to come leading up to the election no doubt. Will Albo be the first PM to marry while in office and will Toto play a part? Well that should generate media interest and a few more headlines with Albo acting all nonchalant and Jodie feigning embarrassed giggles; not giving too much away of course!

The GG’s program hasn’t been updated on her official website at this point in time but, I predict she will be in Canberra on Sunday. I may be wrong but think Albo will also be in Canberra taking a Sunday drive to Government House.

Everyone loves a wedding!

GrumpyGrandpa4:25 pm 19 Feb 25

Ordinarily, I would have thought that a government that is on the nose, would stall calling an election, hoping to buy back votes with a generous budget.

The REA’S decision, may however, be enough for Albo to make a call, claiming his leadership has turned around inflation and the country.

While personally, I’m not that excited about Dutton, the option of more Albo doesn’t excite me at all.

Surely our major parties could offer us something better!

Tony Mansfield2:12 pm 19 Feb 25

One thing about Albo – he doesn’t dance to others tunes, as he shouldn’t. Slow and steady wins the race – despite the negatives they have approached the job with a vision, mostly a steadiness and no scandals, we just didn’t have that with Morrison and his mate DutTrump.

You nailed it. Slow

This is more deluded and fictional than Jacks scripted replies

Albo sure has “approached the the job with a vision.” The Marxist vision unfortunately for ALL of Australia that most of Australia will vote against.

Albo entirely “dances to others tunes.” The dance master right now are the Western Sydney and inner Melbourne electorates with a sizable Muslim voting block. Pandering to these few seats has effected everything from Australia’s foreign policy to weakly expressing any condemnation of the exploding anti-semetism in Australia. That’s why Tony Albo’s ALP is going to be at best a minority government with the Communist and anti-semetic Greens after the next election or the more likely scenario of a one term government.

Better than the Fascist vision Dutton unfortunately has for ALL of Australia. (See, I can post conspiratorial exaggerated comments too)

Cut spending not rates alone

Well Jodie’s talking about weddings today so the election must be imminent.

Can you correct the headline so that it’s in English?

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