Cycling on the roads can be a very risky business – hoping cars don’t clip you as you ride along, avoiding potholes that could send you A over T, and taking Canberra’s round-abouts-of-horror.
I have a big pink girls bike with three (count them, three) gears, and am someone’s mother, so I tend to travel on the footpaths. This too has its own hazards, like embarrasement at being passed by ‘real’ bike riders on the road who look like they could be in the Tour de France (gaudy gear and all), unintended dirt bike expeditions avoiding walkers/prams/wheelchairs, and tripping over raised broken concrete caused by tree roots.
Does wearing loud lycra pants and riding on the road make you a commuter and therefore under the rules of the road? Does pretending to be a MILF (and who can tell under helmet and large dark glasses) and setting a cracking pace of slow on the footpath, absolve you?
Sometimes, I ride on both – what happens then?