Having been a Public Servant for around 340 years (it seems like it anyway) and, more thankfully, having recently left, I was disturbed to hear of some matters relating to an ‘Ethics ‘ issue in a ‘high profile’ agency. After a letter to the CEO of the agency by the affected staff (several of them apparently), sadly nothing happened other than a raft of further complaints against the SES Officer from other, still serving people in the same agency. The SES Officer remains in the position and is apparently intent on ‘getting even’ it would seem.
It’s okay for me (and a lot us I suspect)… I’ve moved on into a disgraceful retirement. But further issues are emerging from these staff now who have gone through complaints systems in the agency only to be dismissed.
So, where to from here? Looking for advice on who to go to after the agency avenue has been a failure… and trust me, the agency in question isn’t helping at all. Aside from ACA, slipping a ‘briefing’ to Senate Estimates or taking out a front page section in the Budapest Times, anyone out there who has either had a similar experience or can offer the best avenue for advice?
Just for the record, the particular SES person apparently has a track record of bullying, harassment and all matter of nasties towards staff. Legal action will ultimately ensue, but in the meantime there are some staff still there to be protected. It’s sad, but true, that this sort of behaviour still continues to be the norm in some of our allegedly ‘blue chip’ agencies.