20 July 2009

Cooked out of his skull...

| Pommy bastard
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Ironically, I was walking my dogs down to Cook shops to buy a couple of beers. (5.30 pm Sunday 19/7)

On the grass by the old Cook Primary School, I came across a geezer face down on the grass. Got into rescue mode and started doing the business. (I trained in mountain rescue, and still keep my skills up.) Pulse fine, airways unobstructed, no obvious head injury, warm, eyes responsive, voice quiet (?epilepsy? ?diabetes?). Flagged down a guy on a pushbike, and he got on the blower for an ambulance, (the response he got was atrocious!) A young lady pulls her car up, having seen him there, and offers to assist.

When sonny Jim hears us phoning for an ambulance, he kicks off with loads of verbal and gesticulating agro, unfortunately his not being able to stand hinders this. He threaten to “do us all” if he ends up in an ambulance as he’s “only had a few drinks” and “know I’m a bit pissed” so we shouldf “F*ck off” and “stop interfering”. Well thank you too pal. I stand guard. (fortunately I’m also a black belt, second dan.) He then collapses again. My friend on the bike is still trying to convince 000 that we either need an ambo, or a cop, to assess this guy, but they aint keen.

Then matey staggers to his feet, and makes a winding way down the road, stopping only to fall in the gutter several times, and then to decide to have a sleep in the middle of the road . We watch over him. He has a brief lie down outside Cook shops, gives an elderly Chinese couple some verbal, and makes off down Lyttleton Cres, interupting his journey only to kick over a few dustbins and walk into a tree.

He then has a kip in the gutter once more.

By this time a fair crowd has gathered, and an ambulance arrives, so I, having better things to do with my time, leave them to it.

So if you’re reading this; geezer on the bike, top job mate in the face of unrelenting 000 disinterest. Other people who stopped, good on you for caring. Big fella that offered to thump the miscreant, good thinking.

Mate on the grass /out of your face, next time I see you I will recognise you easily. However, you will not be able to recognise me, as tonight you couldn’t even recognise the way up. I will take great pleasure in laughing in your face. You win the prize for being the biggest waste of skin I have had the displeasure of meeting in some time. May all your Sunday evenings bring you such pleasures as you had tonight, you deserve it.

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FC – you apparently have all the sympathy in the world for her and her lifestyle choice (and the scum that it attracts), so perhaps you can offer her a relocation to your suburban utopia, and leave us to our intolerances.

I personally fail to see why it would be unreasonable to see some positive change in all these years. Yes, we have followed due process (as directed), we have followed up on our complaints, and we are not pleased that the situation persists just as at day 1 (why should we be?). If the answer is that nothing can change, and we have to be apologists for the lowest common denominator, then we could have given up all those years ago, and supported her in her business endeavour.

If #19 is to be believed, that’s what the police did years ago.

Pommy bastard11:46 am 21 Jul 09


I wanted to make it humorous, hence the style of writing, not my normal eloquence as you may have noticed.,

No point in people getting too serious over this utter cock, is there?

I loved the writing style in this article! Great stuff. I know it probably wasn’t meant to be a comic piece, but the Benny Hill visuals were spot on.

Good on you PB, and the other folk, for stopping to help and giving a damn.

As for the drunk, he must have ingested a huge amount of grog and would have been in danger of alcohol poisoning, surely?

The bit about him deciding to have a sleep in the middle of the road takes me back to my winter in Jindabyne, I got a job at a certain upmarket rural restaurant to while away the evenings, and was driving home late one night up my street, and almost squashed a colleague who was sleeping on the road. And there he was the next morning, teaching groups of kids as usual…

ebony57 said :

FC – thrown in jail preferably, or rehab, or whatever just to simply get her out of our street.
Bigger fish to fry? Obviously. But if nothing definitive has happened after years (must be close to 10 now) of several households reporting her, it’s not going to happen. Sadly, though, idiots like the young fool that Pommy encountered will continue to wander the suburb – apparently, what doesn’t kill you makes you strong enough to try again tomorrow.

Well someone can’t be thrown in gaol or rehab indefinitly just to get them of ‘our’ (and ‘her’) streets.
You would not know what has happened over the past ten years in relation police action. have you watched her every move and can be sure there has been no police raids, court appearances, rehab stints? I doubt it. My neighbours were drug dealers and I was also bitching about nothing happening etc, however when I had a chat with a neighbour one day I found out they had been raided a few days prior while I was at work. I never would have been the wiser. There would always be someone else to look after the ‘business’ for those short periods of time when someone is arrested. From the outside it may all look the same. The issue is a bit bigger than just getting her ‘off our streets’ (which to be frank- is a comment that pisses me off to no end). putting this one person ‘out of site out of mind’ is not going to solve all the problems that contributed to her becoming who she is, in the position she is in, now is it?

barking toad said :

Fair play to you sir for trying to assist the moron with the enlisted aid of the cyclist.
And while I can appreciate Ambos getting sick of calls to assist drunks & druggos, that’s not a call for a phone operator to make.

It isn’t?

I saved the life of a smacked out junkie one day in Braddon. Dead as a door nail he was, lying in the middle of the road with cars swerving around him. Sadly I was the only person at the time to do anything, most walked away quickly. I had to run into the traffic and drag him off the road.

Some quite brutal CPR brought him around while the ambos came. Then the f*ckhead started swinging at everyone, abusing everyone, and frankly, I have this deep down feeling that I should have let him die.

Think about it. It’s not a nice feeling.

Such is life hey?

Yeah I know how you “felt”… been there and all that (on both sides)

You did what you knew you should do, simple as that

In that state, he hasn’t got a clue what “he’s” doing.

Hard as it is, you shouldn’t hold it against him.

Although I figure he owes you a beer or two(Don’t hold your breath mind) 😉

For what it’s worth I saw this fella ended up in an ambulance surrounded by the boys in blue.

His name wasn’t Loui by any chance?

FC – thrown in jail preferably, or rehab, or whatever just to simply get her out of our street.
Bigger fish to fry? Obviously. But if nothing definitive has happened after years (must be close to 10 now) of several households reporting her, it’s not going to happen. Sadly, though, idiots like the young fool that Pommy encountered will continue to wander the suburb – apparently, what doesn’t kill you makes you strong enough to try again tomorrow.

Be careful calling the ambos. I did same for some poor young homeless drunk passed out in Braddon – they sent the cops instead, who proceeded to arrest him and chuck him in a wagon. He seemed harmless. I felt bad.

Good grief, PB, you certainly lead an adverturous life!

I think it’s wonderful what you did.

Like you said, he may have had a head injury or epilepsy, and most people would have been scared away by his aggressive behaviour. I know I would have been afraid.

It was definitely wrong for them not to send help in the circumstances. Twice recently x-rays have revealed my kids have fractured limbs when the examining doctors suspected otherwise.

I don’t think it was right for the emergency operator to make assumptions about the person’s condition, especially when his life was clearly at risk if left to his own devices.

Would they have just left him to jump if he was standing on a window ledge?

I don’t think that’s acceptable at all.

Mike Bessenger3:20 pm 20 Jul 09

very disapointed pb. a hole out in the brindies is where the junkies belong.

“(srsly, though, wish she were institutionalised instead of clogging up the gutter)”

Ebony – what do you mean by this?

She probably has been busted from time to time. Depending on the amount she is busted with, and if she has substance abuse issues, she is likely not going to be locked up for a long period of time (if at all)
With a lot of people who have dealt drugs for a long period of time,and involved in a life of crime, it is a way of life for them. So even is she gets busted, she is likely to go back and do the same thing upon release anyway.
The police may have bigger fish to fry, yes, however reporting is never useless. However frustrating it may be to not see your reports being acted on, its hard to know what goes on behind the scenes.

ebony57 said :

LOL! That’s the one.

Unless they are pods, and they are slowly taking over.

First Cook, tomorrow – nah, too much like an effort.

(srsly, though, wish she were institutionalised instead of clogging up the gutter)

I can see a really humorous outcome with this, The Canberra times is infamous for finding things to do stories on after reading this site. What would they say about the Police if they knew that they allowed this to go on for so long? I would piss myself if she was suddenly busted and it made the news all because of what was said on here.

LOL! That’s the one.

Unless they are pods, and they are slowly taking over.

First Cook, tomorrow – nah, too much like an effort.

(srsly, though, wish she were institutionalised instead of clogging up the gutter)

ebony57 said :

Unless “Karen” is code for “Cathy”, I don’t think so (maybe Cook has a cottage industry going), but you never know.

She’s obviously got something worked out with someone somewhere, though, considering the number of complaints made about her to crimecrappers, police and housing over the last few years (nearly 10 years, I think).

Makes a mockery of reporting anything to the “establishment”.

Karen, Cathy – Tomato, tomato. Probably the same individual that I am thinking of. If it looks like a dirt car park out the front of a crappy govvy on Lyttlton then it it probably is the same person. I think that she has been there so long she is a cook institution.

TP 3000 said :

I’ve also had a similar incident out at Point Hut Crossing on a Sunday morning, I was walking down to the water when I notice a still body, I chuck the dog back in the car & I called 131 444 (Police assistance) they answered pretty soon & just got me to try & wake the person. In my case it was another drunk person sleeping it off, but my thought was she was dead & I wasn’t going to touch the body & get blamed for the murder.

So what happened?

Unless “Karen” is code for “Cathy”, I don’t think so (maybe Cook has a cottage industry going), but you never know.

She’s obviously got something worked out with someone somewhere, though, considering the number of complaints made about her to crimecrappers, police and housing over the last few years (nearly 10 years, I think). Makes a mockery of reporting anything to the “establishment”.

Pommy bastard2:01 pm 20 Jul 09

We’re stuffing you like a Xmas Turkey old chap, toodle pip!

Pelican Lini1:54 pm 20 Jul 09

Re: ebony 57
Now there’s a suburban marketing campaign for yer:
Fings go better with Cook!
Cheers, PB, I’ll be ‘avin two pints of lager and a packet of crisps in yer ‘onor.
‘Ow’s ver cricket goin’?

ebony57 said :

Probably yet another of the charming customers of the dealer on Lyttleton. She’s been there for years, is well known to police et al, but apparently they are waiting to “catch the supplier”, or some such nonsense. Calling crimestoppers about her is a waste of a phone call – nothing ever happens.

Nice use of a government housing property, though – maybe the gubmint should get a commission on her sales.

Would this be the “Karen” that i have heard about from some police friends? I always wondered why they did not bust her but i heard it was because she had a deal worked out with them. From what i have heard, she sells a few pounds a week.

Probably yet another of the charming customers of the dealer on Lyttleton. She’s been there for years, is well known to police et al, but apparently they are waiting to “catch the supplier”, or some such nonsense. Calling crimestoppers about her is a waste of a phone call – nothing ever happens.

Nice use of a government housing property, though – maybe the gubmint should get a commission on her sales.

Jivrashia said :

let natural selection run its cause.

“Course” not cause.

Ronnie said :

I reckon I would have done this sorry gutter wretch with two swift yet slightly uncoordinated chops.

You have to first yell “It’s coming right for us!”

Pommy bastard12:31 pm 20 Jul 09

My thanks for the replies.

The guy was so drunk/stoned/out of it, my darling daughter could have taken him with one hand tied behind her back.

Even though he was claiming to be drunk, there was no profound alcohol smell, and his presentation, first on the ground, then after, was not of a common or garden drunkard.

I’m guessing, but I think (if he hadn’t taken heroin, or some other soporific) he may have had a head injury, or as I said above, epilepsy/diabetes. (?Psychosis?)

Cor blimey, do what? You’re avin a laff me old china!

Pelican Lini12:01 pm 20 Jul 09

Gor blimey guv’ner,
What a super geezer you are wiv yer mountain rescue skills and black belt, second dan.
And, fair dues, you’ve every right to give that geezer some verbals for bein’ ‘ow’s yer favver” in public, and givin’ no “respect” to yer Good Samaritan act.
Yer ‘avin’ it large, givin’ it sum and doin’ ve bizniz, old matey.

I’ve had the same problem before with an ambulance or police reluctant to come. The man was drunk, missing teeth and had been knocked out cold. I explained to 000 that even though he said he didn’t want an ambulance, my judgement was that he needed one. They dispatched police instead – and took 45 minutes while he played in traffic on Melrose Dr. Only cared because I was at work and he was discovered at our site. At least I discharged my obligations, but had he been hit or something happened to him afterwards, I don’t think the emergency services discharged theirs.

Jivrashia.. you’re dead right!!

PB and the Cook rescue gang – well done. Great to know people like you are out there. Like you PB I too am a master of a martial art. I achieved yellow belt (just) in Taekwondo back in ’84 and I reckon I would have done this sorry gutter wretch with two swift yet slightly uncoordinated chops. To the drunk dude – You’re lucky you walked into a tree and not me! (spoken in a Mr T voice)

I’ve also had a similar incident out at Point Hut Crossing on a Sunday morning, I was walking down to the water when I notice a still body, I chuck the dog back in the car & I called 131 444 (Police assistance) they answered pretty soon & just got me to try & wake the person. In my case it was another drunk person sleeping it off, but my thought was she was dead & I wasn’t going to touch the body & get blamed for the murder.


As much as I commend highly for your altruism,
there’s a point where you have to step back and let natural selection run its cause.

There’s a line in the sand that separates humanity and beasts. The first couple of verbals from the creature should have alerted you that you’re dealing with a beast of the jungle and, in the same way that film crews never interfere in the affairs on the plains of Kenya, you should have left this creature be.

barking toad10:43 am 20 Jul 09

Fair play to you sir for trying to assist the moron with the enlisted aid of the cyclist.

Can you really get that wasted just from the drink? Suspect there may have been other substances involved.

And while I can appreciate Ambos getting sick of calls to assist drunks & druggos, that’s not a call for a phone operator to make. If a call is made by someone on the spot, especially with a person on the scene with some expertise, just despatch the ambulance.

(Things have never been the same since those blokes jumped on the moon 40 years ago!)

We need less nasty bashings and more good thumpings in this world.

Had a similar experience, a chic was passed out at a bus stop, looked like she was going to roll off the path onto the road and get run over by said bus. When we tried to help she tried to get up and run away – didn’t make it too far though…. She didn’t seem to believe we only wanted to help get her home safely.

Is it really the place of the ambulance phone operators to debate the need for an ambulance with you? Precisely how much medical training do they have?

Top notch for helping, should have give him a kicking for giving you a mouthful for trying to help.

Bloody good story though, nicely written, laughed my ass off.

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