Simon Corbell, Chief Justice Helen Murrell, and the Chief Magistrate Lorraine Walker today launched the ACT Sentencing Database, a tool to help grant equal if not fair sentences across the board.
“The ACT Sentencing Database will provide the judiciary with a useful tool to assist in this important task. The database will also provide an effective mechanism for the judiciary to identify the range of sentences that would normally apply to the offender coming before them. “A further aim of the database is that as trends emerge in criminal sentences handed down, it is anticipated that there will be a related reduction in the number of appeals – as there will be a clearer basis for sentencing.” The database will be available to the judiciary and those involved in the sentencing process. In addition, people who have a genuine interest in the data such as the media, students and researchers can also apply for access. “Over time, trends and information shown in the database will support the ACT Government as it considers questions relating sentencing laws in the ACT,” Mr Corbell said.