Dear Jemima Skelley,
Thanks so much for dissing on our town.
When people criticise Canberra as you did, it always makes me smile. We understand that Canberra bashing is a wonderful sport which is one of the reasons that we haven’t cracked it for half a million residents. Our city is still a well kept secret, but we like it.
Most who are as critical as you, have never actually been here. If you have spent more than a few days here, then I’m happy that you hate the place because you obviously don’t fit in here.
Descriptions of boring and lame say a lot more about you than they do about us.
You may not call it a city, but it works fine for me. I fell in love with Melbourne when I moved there some years ago, but I don’t think I could go back there now that I’ve discovered Canberra.
If all you can see is buildings and grass well you’re obviously not looking in the right places Jemima.
Please explain why it’s such a bad thing that only 370,000 pe0ple live here. Wait till you’re sitting in a traffic jam in Sydney or Brisbane or Melbourne and then explain it to me.
It is so wonderfully easy get around Canberra and the city centre and surrounds are, as compared to the other cities much more pleasing to the eye. We are spoilt by the array of wonderful restaurants and engaging festivals on offer.
But for me the biggest selling point about Canberra is the people. We have assembled a group of people in this city who believe that they can take on the world and win. They’re intelligent, compassionate and connected.
Canberrans embrace opportunity.
You don’t sound like that sort of girl to me Jemima.
Don’t call us……no seriously….delete our number from your phone. If we need you for anything, we’ll call you.