[Ed First Filed Jan14, 2010] Looks like someone else read this post, as WIN News ran a piece on the news last night 18 January 2010 about it. Supposedly Defence sent out a notice reminding people that the report into the Cancer Cluster found nothing.
Can anyone tell me anything about the cancer cluster that “may or may not” exist at 109 Kent street? That’s the big building behind the Telstra joint. Having worked there I have not been informed or kept updated about it. Naturally, I want to know a bit more about this. The conventional channels have yielded nothing. Does anyone know anything more about it? Did they ever report anything further about the possibilities of cancer? I know the building is 50 metres from a cell tower and that it had extensive asbestos in it.
The first I heard of it was when a former colleague of mine mentioned that they were going in for a second round of treatment for a reoccouring brain tumour. They told me that they were glad they were out of Kent Street because they had showed up fine after 3 years out of the building, but barely 6 months after being sent back there they had cancer again.
Information is sketchy, and I’m having big problems finding anything official, so well, maybe the local grapevine has some news. I’ve Googled some of the common terms for it llike “109 Kent street cancer” and found nothing.
Apparently last year most of the people in the building were given a presentation by some Defence people saying there may or may not be a cancer cluster there. That was it. Nothing else. They didn’t contact me about it as I have not worked there for over 8 years now. The Defence Doctor was the same guy they hired who “proved” that there was no cancer cluster on the F-111 deseal – reseal program, so of course I figure he’s there for cover up. There was apparently a publicly accessible web page on the Defence web site about it, but searching their site finds nothing.
I spoke to a lady I knew who had breast cancer there. She said that they had asked around and it seemed as though there were 12 people she knew from the building who had cancer, including 2 that have since died, and one who had major surgery on his brain and was just learning to speak again.
PS. This is not supposed to be a debate, I just want some up to date info and facts. Perhaps a link to some offical info.