The National Capital Authority advises:
The National Capital Authority (NCA) today advised that the commencement of pay parking in Parkes, Barton, Russell and Acton has been delayed.
Pay parking for Australian Government owned car parks in the Central National Area was proposed to start on 1 July 2014.
NCA Chief Executive, Malcolm Snow said the components and tasks involved in delivering a pay parking scheme were originally underestimated.
‘The extent and complexity of the activities involved in implementing pay parking was not sufficiently identified in the original proposal,’ he said.
‘The issues include arrangements and fees for payment of parking via credit cards, collection of cash from the machines, and charges for parking infringement notices.
‘We are taking the time to resolve these issues to ensure parking arrangements meet the service standards expected by the consumer.
‘By delaying the implementation of pay parking we can be confident that these issues are resolved and thoroughly tested so that the scheme is effectively implemented.
‘Once these issues have been resolved, implementation is expected to take approximately 8 to 12 weeks,’ he said
Some of the arrangements required to support pay parking will be implemented by 1 July. These include:
- Installation of parking machines, parking signage, bay-line markings and pedestrian refuge traffic islands
- Upgrades to the Windsor Walk and York Park car park
- The mix of short stay and long stay parking has been determined
- The allocation of volunteer, accessible and motorcycle parking; and
- Selection of service providers for the day-to-day operation of pay parking.
The installation of 190 solar powered pay and display ticket machines also commenced this week. These machines however will not be activated until the new commencement date.
The delay is expected to be 8-12 weeks from 1 July.