9 February 2012

DIY Wotz on guide for the weekend of 10 February 2012

| johnboy
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OK rioters, time to show us all how linked in and juiced up you are.

What’s worth seeing and doing around town this weekend?

Just leave your thoughts in the comments.

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Awesome stuff joecojabba! Maybe you could submit a new story with this link.

Yesterday, I knocked together http://cultfoodfest.net to help me navigate the various Multicultural festival beer and meat on a stick vendors.

Its targeted for iphone and android, but should work in most browsers (meh to Internet Explorer). It will ask for your location to help spot you on google maps in relation to the vendors.

I ran out of time to add functionality for punters update whether stalls are open or not, if beer or meat is available or line length.

Anyway, thought it might be of use to someone other than me…

(apologies if this is not the right thread to post on. long time reader, first time poster)

Streetcar named desire is on at the ARC cinema on Saturday night:


http://4wdspectacular.org.au/ (dunno how to hyper)

The 4WD spectacular is across the border in Queanbeyan for both Saturday and Sunday 8.30 till 5.00

4WD spectacular.
Saturday and Sunday 8.30 – 5.00
Queanbeyan Show Grounds


Round 1 of the NSW Hillclimb Championship is on Sunday 12th at Fairbairn Park Hillclimb Circuit (Sutton Road, ACT).

http://www.sdmahillclimb.com (unfortunately their website provides no spectator info for the event)

The Beez (Germany) plus Sandy Pollard plus Scatterpuss
The Artists’ Shed, 14 Foster Street, Queanbeyan
12 midday, Sunday 12 Feb

Outside broadcast on Artsound FM 92.7/90.3FM http://artsound.fm
The Beez: http://thebeez.de

(Oh, and the previous post for Steve Tyson is on Friday night at 7.30pm.)

Steve Tyson and the Industrious Felons (Qld) plus Trev Dunham
Merry Muse, Turner Bowlo, McCaughey Street, Turner, 7.30pm


Grand Opening of the Canberra Discovery Garden at the National Arboretum on Sunday 12 February.


You can meet Don Burke!!

There is also a Travel Expo on at the Convention Centre this Sunday 12 February 2012.


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