An artist’s impression of townhouses in the Foothills Precinct 5 in Campbell. Photo: Stewart Architecture.
DOMA Group has lodged a Works Application with the National Capital Authority for the final stage in its Foothills development on the former CSIRO site in Campbell.
The NCA approved the first stage in February 2021, including two eight-storey apartment buildings containing a mix of 117 one, two and three-bedroom units and 95 townhouses in four residential precincts and the common.
Precinct 5 will contain 40 large, high-end townhouses, eight more than originally planned, along with a change in layout.
They will bring the total number of dwellings on the prime 40,000 square metre site on Limestone Avenue to 252.
Set in a park-like estate, the Foothills promises an inner city healthy lifestyle with facilities such as a tennis court, pool and gym.
The 20 three-bedroom townhouses and 20 four-bedroom townhouses come with 101 undercroft parking spaces – 40 for the former and 61 for the latter.
The Works Application says the parking provision of two spaces for the three-bedroom townhouses and three for the four-bedroom townhouses is more than required and will avoid overflow parking into adjacent streets.
The traffic report concludes that the proposed access/egress arrangements at Limestone Avenue are adequate and will not impede general traffic flow during peak periods.
The townhouses are situated at the top right-hand corner of the site, looking from Limestone Avenue, and along a shared driveway/roadway that services each townhouse and connects to the wider road network on the site.
The Works Application says the townhouses will face north/south or east/west to maximise winter sunlight and provide cross ventilation.
They will also have water and energy-efficient fittings, fixtures and appliances.
Each townhouse has at least one private courtyard, either a paved balcony area or landscaped at ground level, and the precinct has landscaped communal areas, including extensive deep-rooted planting.

Precinct 5 will contain 40 large, high-end townhouses, eight more than originally planned, bringing the total number of dwellings on the Limestone Avenue site to 252. Image: DOMA.
Landscaping will be inspired by the native vegetation of the nearby Mount Ainslie reserve and the more structured and exotic landscaping of the nearby suburbs of Reid and Ainslie.
The precinct has setbacks of 7.4 metres and 9.4 metres to the boundaries, which the application says present minor encroachments into the landscape zone of Precincts 1 and 3.
But these will be landscaped private courtyards which it says will add visual interest and contribute to the residential character of the boundaries.
The project received federal environmental approval in 2018 with conditions to protect the critically endangered Natural Temperate Grass Lands and Golden Sun Moth and address the loss of heritage values related to the former CSIRO buildings on the site.
In 2021 a report dismissed Aboriginal heritage claims that threatened to stop the development.
Comments on the Works Application close on 24 October.