Find your passion. It’s something we regularly hear from personal development gurus or success coaches. Passion + persistence = success.
But, what do you do with your passion once you’ve found it? How do you turn it into a skill you can use, or better yet, a skill others will pay you for?
With all the specialist (niche) businesses opening these days, it’s not unreasonable to believe you could profit from your passion. Social media bombards us with stories of people who have taken a hobby or pursuit that they love, and turned it into a successful business. So why not you?
One way to take definite action is to view your passion as a skill that can be developed. You can build on your current knowledge and love for something, by learning more about it from industry experts – who are already profiting from it.
Maybe you have a passion for:
- Cake decorating
- Cooking
- Makeup
- Photography
- Sewing
- Massage
- Graphic Design
- Creative writing
- Crime writing
- Garden design
- Social media
- Small business
All of these subjects (and so many more) are available through Short Courses by CIT Solutions right now. They range from single day workshops to two hour sessions over eight weeks. For a full list of courses, click here.
By taking your passion seriously, and investing in it (and yourself), you could gain insights that will help you become one of those people who miraculously turn a labour of love into a thriving business.
You’ll also find many courses to help you run a business or excel in your current line of work, such as presentation and persuasive communication, high capability leadership, managing change, engaging with stakeholders, strategic thinking, career development, and many more.
Or maybe you just want to keep your passion as a passion: something just for you, to help you enjoy time out from life and escape the stresses of work. If so, you’ll find everything from fly fishing, to yoga and meditation, guitar playing, and bicycle or motor vehicle maintenance available through Short Courses by CIT Solutions.
And if you don’t have a passion? Find one! Studies show that engaging in a hobby can actually help you lose weight and lower blood pressure. So spending more time on your passion is not only potentially lucrative, it’s also good for your health.
What hobby or passion should you spend more time on or learn to profit from?
Visit Short Courses by CIT Solutions for a list of all the possible hobbies and passions you could be pursuing. But be quick, because Term 2 enrolments have just started and classes fill up fast.
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