21 October 2005

Don't look back in Manga...

| punk in drublic
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Firstly sorry for the pun, hard to resist.

Want to let everyone know about an upcoming party, that once again us arty types (read as nerdy types) will thoroughly enjoy.

Susi House Presents : Ninja Poison Taster (A Manga Theme Party)
29th of October@Toast

There will be prizes for best costume etc. Check out the website www.afterglow.zoomshare.com for full details.

If you are curious the name for the night comes from Ninja Scroll, though i am sure all you intellectuals knew that already :-}

Just wanted to get the word out to all the riotactors early so everyone can have a good think about costumes. It is the saturday night of Stonefest but it starts after the rock has finished so should be a cool night.

As a side note I will be accepting all challengers to an unofficial rum drinking competition at the event.

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its all fun and games until someone loses an eye – eh Butters?

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