Roughly this time last year I was sitting on a couch in The Phoenix and Joel Barcham said “Dude you’ve GOT to check this out” and showed me a video on his phone of himself and Pablo Latona running a giant slinky down the escalator in the middle of King O’Malleys.
I was impressed and said “Dude you’ve GOT to put that on YouTube, it’ll totally be a hit and I’ll do a story about it on RiotACT!.
He did put it on YouTube, I did run a story on it and it has duly become a YouTube sensation with around 800,000 views at the time of writing.
(For those wondering about the economics of YouTube 800,000 views has netted the team $400 out of Google)
What no one expected was a Japanese game show “Unbelievable” getting in touch with Joel to use the video on Japanese TV.
And the bugger wouldn’t even buy me a pint last night.