18 April 2024

Canberra International Music Festival 2024

| Alicia Webb
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Canberra International Music Festival 2024, Mulanggari, ‘Alive’, is running from 1-5 May 2024. Image: Canberra International Music Festival.

Join the Canberra International Music Festival from 1-5 May for the Festival’s 30th anniversary and Artistic Director Roland Peelman’s final Festival after ten years at the helm.

The Canberra International Music Festival (CIMF) presents a festival of classical and contemporary art music in May each year, with programming unique to our national capital. CIMF’s artistic scope accommodates the breadth of the Western classical tradition – early and medieval music, baroque, classical, romantic, 20th Century and new music – alongside classical traditions from around the world, diverse Indigenous music, and the spectrum of contemporary art music.

Many words in the Indigenous languages around the nation we call Australia express aspects or components of the word ‘joy’. Yet hardly any express the full connotations of the word as we so liberally use or portray it. In the language of the Ngunnawal and Ngambri people, the most prominent of Canberra’s First Nations people, mulanggari means ‘alive’. No better word could be found to affirm the past, the present and the future against all the odds. That is a reason to be joyful – and a hell of a reason to make music.

Canberra International Music Festivals, program day-by-day.

Festival Pass

The Festival Pass gives you access to the 15 concerts featured in the main Festival program as well as reserved seating in some venues. It is a significant saving compared to the cost of single tickets.

Festival TOP FIVE Pass

The TOP FIVE shows over six performances with reserved seating in some venues. Another way to save.

Adventure Pass

Make your festival experience a music adventure! Book five or more concerts from the main festival program and you receive a 10% discount. Simply book your tickets and contact the office afterwards to receive your 10% refund.

Single tickets

All concerts in Snow Concert Hall have allocated seating. General seating in other venues.

Select the concerts that suit your schedule and taste (hopefully many) and purchase your tickets through Humanitix.

The details

What: Canberra International Music Festival
When: Wednesday 1 – Saturday 5 May 2024
Where: Ainslie Arts Centre, 30 Elouera St. Braddon 2612
Cost: Ticket prices vary depending on which pass you choose. Get your tickets now.

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