The Shadow Whose Prey The Hunter Becomes is coming to Canberra Theatre on 11-13 May. Photo: Jeff Busby.
Weaving a narrative through human rights, sexual politics, and the projected dominance of artificial intelligence, The Shadow Whose Prey the Hunter Becomes is a sly theatrical revelation inspired by mistakes, mis-readings, mis-leadings and misunderstanding, Shadow reminds us that none of us are self-sufficient and all of us are responsible.
The Shadow Whose Prey the Hunter Becomes is a story about a public meeting, the type of meeting you would hope to happen in a certain kind of democracy. How do we come together to make decisions that are in the best interest of a civic society? This is a play about individual and collective responsibility.
The Shadow Whose Prey the Hunter Becomes has been created by Back to Back Theatre. They are a company who creates new forms of contemporary performance imagined from the minds and experiences of a unique ensemble of actors with a disability, giving voice to social and political issues that speak to all people.
Based in the regional centre of Geelong, the company is one of Australia’s most globally recognised and respected contemporary theatre companies.
In addition to its professional practice Back to Back collaborates intensively with communities around the world, with a focus on artistic excellence and elevated social inclusion for people with disabilities.
The details
What: The Shadow Whose Prey The Hunter Becomes
When: Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 May at 8 pm, Friday 13 May at 11 am and 8 pm
Where: The Playhouse at Canberra Theatre Centre, Civic Square London Circuit, Canberra
Cost: $60 plus transaction fee. Tickets at Canberra Theatre Centre.