These are exciting times for an action based community organisation like SEE Change. What can you imagine to engage more people in transitioning Canberra to a new future?
Positions on our executive committee are open to everyone with a desire to be part of our work – no matter what their experience or previous involvement with us – and nominations are sought for the election to be held at our annual general meeting at the end of October. On the 18th of October we invite interested parties to come along to the Downer Community Centre at 7.30 pm to contribute their own ideas on the future of SEE-Change and hear some more about the role of the committee. This fast-paced information and discussion session will last for about 1 hour, led by Mark Spain.
It is vitally important to the continued health of our organisation that we regularly recruit different points of view and new experience to our management committee. The committee meets once a month for around 2 hours. Please consider nominating, and circulate the event details to anyone you know who might be interested in helping to be an effective agent of change. A light supper will be provided.
For more information, and to register, please visit the event page here.