Is your child turning 3 before 30 April 2015?
The FARRER PLAYSCHOOL is a non-profit, community based educational facility for 3 year olds. Our fully qualified teachers use a structured program to help the ‘Playschoolers’ develop the social skills and confidence that will be of value to them in their Preschool year and most importantly it is LOTS OF FUN!
Playschool sessions are held:
Monday 9.30am to 2.30pm @ $55 per session
Tuesday 9.30am to 2.30pm @ $55 per session
Wednesday 9:15am to 12:15pm @ $33 per session
(Due to the popularity of our classes a child may only attend 1 session per week)
If you are interested in having your child attend one of our fun-filled sessions, please come and fill out an expression of interest at Farrer Playschool (located on the Farrer Preschool site, Longerenong Street, Farrer, during one of our session times) or contact our Enrolment Officer at to arrange for the forms to be sent/emailed to you.
(Please note positions are offered to children in accordance with our enrolment policy)
If you have any questions about our Playschool please comment below.
Thank you.