Minister for Energy Simon Corbell has announced that despite two weeks ago taking on board the recommendation of the ICRC, that the feed-in tarriff for solar power should fall, he’s going to keep it where it is:
Simon Corbell, has today announced that the premium rate for the micro-generation category of the ACT feed-in tariff scheme will remain unchanged at 45.7c per kilowatt hour, providing certainty and stability for the renewable energy industry and consumers.
Mr Corbell also announced that the new medium generator category payment percentage would remain set at 75% of the micro-generator category rate, a price of 34.27 c per kilowatt hour.
“In making these decisions I am mindful of the undertaking I made last year that as far as practicable, the Micro Premium announced then would remain for a 2 year period. I did this to establish certainty for investors and for industry players. This decision to leave the premium rate unchanged honours that commitment” he said.
Notwithstanding the advice received from the Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission recommending a decrease in the Premium, I have taken into account the possibility of a reduction in the strength of the Australian dollar internationally and the impact that would have on the price of solar technology.”
“The Government has released a community guide to assist groups in the ACT to invest in renewable
energy technology,” Mr Corbell added.“Canberrans previously ineligible as individuals can now form a group and take part in the scheme, and
the guide will assist them in this process,” Mr Corbell said.
Simon wants Canebrra to be hailed as the solar capital regardless of the cost.