With a crowd estimated around 240,000 for the three day event, ACT Policing is praising the majority of people who attended the Multicultural Festival, with only three people taken into custody during the celebrations.
Sergeant John Foster from the Alcohol Crime Targeting Team (ACTT) said earlier work undertaken by his team to inform the ‘off site licencees’ of their responsibilities, was one of the aims of the ACTT.
“We (the ACTT) spoke to the liquor permit holders and informed them of their obligations in relation to the responsible service of alcohol. This goes directly to some of the aims of the ACTT which are to reduce the negative community effects of alcohol related harm and to encourage safe and responsible drinking practices,” he said.
Police were also pleased that no underage drinkers were detected at the festival and that no major issues occurred.
“One of ACT Policing’s aims with an event of this size is to ensure that families attending an event are not be subjected to anti-social behaviour, especially the behaviour of people under the influence of alcohol,” Sergeant Foster said.
“The ACTT will continue its work with both internal and external stakeholders to ensure compliance across the ACT Liquor industry through education, partnerships and capacity building to make an impact on alcohol-related crime and irresponsible service and consumption of alcohol,” he said.
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