While travelling to Tuggeranong Hyperdome last night, while coming around the lake on Athllon Drive, there was a big mass of flashing red and blue lights up ahead. As we approached the dam behind the Tuggeranong skate park, we noticed a large number of fire rescue vehicles on the East-bound lanes.
There appeared to be about 2 or 3 smaller vehicles plus also a large cherry-picker which was setup hanging over the northern side of the road with a number of fireys looking over the edge to see down below.
A quick check on esa and actpol_traffic showed nothing at the time, and even this morning there appears to be nothing online. A friend suggested that the fire rescue guys use that spot as a training area, which given the lack of anything but fire rescue (no ambulance or police), tends to make a bit of sense. Just wondering if anyone knew what was going on.