I’m currently trying to break into the housing market, this weekend we put down another offer on a house that ended up going for much higher than the advertised price and effectively found ourselves in another ‘Claytons’s Auction’ (the auction you have when you’re not having an auction). Whilst unable to confirm a final price I have a fair idea it was possibly $40 – $50k in excess of the price the property was advertised at. So why advertise it at that price in the first place? We are talking close to half a million dollars for a place that was in Kambah, and not a decent part of Kambah either.
Now I could be wrong but if the price being offered to pay for the house is in substantially in excess of what the bank values the property at doesn’t that mean that the loan won’t be approved? Is this because if the person all of a sudden can’t afford to make the repayment then the bank wont be able to sell the place and make back the money they need to in order to cover the loan amount?
It’s this damn first homebuyers grant. Because of it supply does not match demand and suddenly people are competing to enter a maket that they may not necessarily be able to remain a part of once interests rates rise and their repayments all of a sudden increase. Perhaps at that stage their loss will be my gain. Although I don’t forsee prices actually dropping in the near future.
Agents should start to realise that all of us going to these open homes are starting to become familiar with one another (I have seen several people numerous times at different exhibitions). The other day I was told my offer on a property was the third highest and later ran into some people at another exhibition that also put in an offer on the same place and were told exactly the same thing. Clearly we were being lied to, I am not naive in that I know real estate agents cannot be trusted no matter how nice they seem.
I just find the whole experience at the moment quite demoralising.
Still if you’re in a posititon to sell your property and make a decent profit on your investment good on you!
Circle of life, hakunah matada and all that.