7 July 2007 – Free Writing Workshop with Samuel Wagan Watson
Award-winning QLD indigenous poet Samuel Wagan Watson will be conducting a FREE writing workshop on July the 7th at 10.30am at the National Museum of Australia. Bookings required on 6208 5021. He will also be conducting a poetry reading performance piece in the hall during the family day NAIDOC celebrations.
Textual postcards of Dreaming – A workshop for the creators of Poems, Short Stories and Written Art
Covered in this workshop are the basics from starting your writing regime, to publishing and presenting your work to audiences;
· Why am I writing and who am I writing for?· Using your senses; the essential tools within your being.· Writing family history/ the Past, using both good memories and sensitive information.· Maintaining the flow of writing and rational editing.· Presenting your work to an audience.· Pitching your writing to an Editor.· The power of your voice: Spoken Word.· What can be achieved through collaboration.· Tips for Funding Applications. · Economical Self-Promotion
Samuel’s first collection of poetry won the 1999 David Unaipon Award for emerging Indigenous writers. He is published widely in Australia and has been translated in several languages, as well as performed work in Germany, Norway and New Zealand. His last collection of poetry, Smoke Encrypted Whispers, won the 2005 NSW Premier’s Book of the Year and the Kenneth Slessor Literary prize. He has written for radio, been the Poet-in-Residence on ABC’s Sunday Arts, and successfully debuted a bilingual opera ‘die dunkle Erde’ (The Dark Earth) for the Brisbane Music Festival. His poetry is permanently imbedded in Brisbane’s multi-million dollar ‘Green Bridge’ and various other architectural locations. His poetry has also been the basis for an animation ‘the Postman’s Privilege’ and the short documentary ‘Bound in Bitumen’.