5 December 2013

Ginninderra Drive Speeding Camera Direction?

| CuriousMike
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I was driving along Coulter Drive turning right onto Ginninderra drive.

I was quite tired at the time and didn’t see when it went orange and simply thought I could make it and wasn’t familiar with the area.

I definitely ran it when it was red (a second after it went red) as I didn’t have time to stop.

I went back and looked where the camera was facing and noticed it doesn’t really aim it there and strictly along Ginninderra drive.

Can anyone confirm the direction it faces?

Also is it a live stream or simply a photograph?

Thank you.

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Coulter/Ginninderra lights are dodgy.

magiccar9 said :

What’s the point of putting in speed & red light cameras if they’re only going to catch a single stream of traffic? They put these things in at the largest, or busiest intersections in Canberra, but only point them at one direction…. to me that kind of defeats the purpose – unless every crash at the intersection comes from the same line of travel.

Cost. So they put it on the direction that causes the most problems (or the cynics may say makes more money).

Some cameras can get two streams though, case in point being the camera on Gininderra Drive and Aikman Drive. It can get cars going straight to the west and cars turning right into what will be Lawson.

How do I know. Well one evening I saw a taxi go into the turn lane. When the lights went green for the straight through path he took off to get in front of the cars in the other two lanes. As soon as he did the camera flash went off. Then next time I was stopped at that intersection I looked at the sensors and sure enough the turn lane is on a different sensor loop.

PBO said :

Rollersk8r said :

You’re fine – and more than a bit paranoid. That camera’s to catch westbound traffic on Ginninderra Drive. And as far as I know it’s a single photo.

Unless you were the guy who hammered through there at about 120kmph in an Audi yesterday when it was clearly red and the other cars had come to a complete stop.

If it was you then good luck explaining that one.

No I wasn’t, I was turning onto the drive. I wasn’t speeding.. I was turning..

What’s the point of putting in speed & red light cameras if they’re only going to catch a single stream of traffic? They put these things in at the largest, or busiest intersections in Canberra, but only point them at one direction…. to me that kind of defeats the purpose – unless every crash at the intersection comes from the same line of travel.

^ what he/she said

You’re either fine or fined, but I think you’re fine.

Rollersk8r said :

You’re fine – and more than a bit paranoid. That camera’s to catch westbound traffic on Ginninderra Drive. And as far as I know it’s a single photo.

Unless you were the guy who hammered through there at about 120kmph in an Audi yesterday when it was clearly red and the other cars had come to a complete stop.

If it was you then good luck explaining that one.

You’re fine – and more than a bit paranoid. That camera’s to catch westbound traffic on Ginninderra Drive. And as far as I know it’s a single photo.

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