Whilst on Holiday, we were looking for ways to entertain the kids. We went out to DFO, mainly so that I could see what the fuss was about.
There is a new Kids play area called “Monkey Mania” and it looks pretty good. We found that it was a bit steep in cost, around $35 for the family, but the kids were keen, so in we went.
Now, I have been to Kidcity in Mitchell, Kids Rampage in Tuggeranong, The Fun Factory in Kambah and fought for a seat with many other parents, as our kids ran around and jumped and played and screamed.
Nothing in comparison to this new place. cost is a bit steeper, for one.
I was informed that the Monkey Mania concept was new, and this was the first centre in australia, the pilot. Why is it so expensive?
I have to say, for a play centre, it was the same as the others. The factors that are different with this one is that:
- 1. once you are in, there are no pass outs. No shopping and leaving the kids with your partner. (yet – the section on their website for “drop n shop” is under construction)
2. The cost of food and drink is pretty high as well
3. 1-3 year olds are $9.50 per child. Over 3, and you are shelling out $12.50 per child.
here is the website link for more info.
They also have kid’s parties, but the cost is pretty high. I think we will stick to birthday parties at home…
There is another play centre at brand depot, but we haven’t been there yet, so I cannot comment.
What are the experiences of other parents with these Play Centres?