Are you sick of having to pay for your own shopping bags these days because of the ACT Government’s Plastic Shopping Bag Ban? I am looking for ideas to send Simon the message that we will not accept decisions about shopping bags being forced down our throats each and every time we go to the corner shop to get the groceries.
Despite what Labor and the Greens say, this ban is not about saving the environment. It is about penalising people financially for using plastic shopping bags, much like how Julia Gillard is penalising people financially, with her Carbon Tax.
I apologise in advance for sounding stupid when offering my own ideas, but I am happy to hear from anyone here on RiotACT who has better ideas on how to fight this menace before we finally get the chance to ‘bag’ the bag banners once and for all, at the October 2012 election.
Here are some of my own ideas:
- Bring your own “reusable” bags, but display protest messages about how disgusted you are with the ACT Government’s shopping bag ban, and a reminder about the October 20 election
- If you haven’t brought your own bags, wait for the shop assistant to finish pricing all your groceries and you are ready to pay, before they ask you if you want any bags. Don’t accept the assistant’s question about wanting to “buy” any bags. Instead, refuse to pay for your shopping, and leave all items at the checkout counter.
- Find a shop that hands out free bags (they can be paper bags, they don’t even have to be plastic). Refuse to accept having to pay for shopping bags.
- Shop in Queanbeyan (sounds a bit silly, and not cost-effective if you don’t live in that side of Canberra)
I have also tried talking to a (Liberal-voting) high-profile Canberra store manager, and offered a petition, but he didn’t sound very optimistic and said I would need a huge number of signatures if I was to hope to make any difference, because the current Assembly has too many numbers supporting the ban. He suggested going on ABC Radio 666 in the morning when MLAs are likely to be listening on their way to work, and waiting for a related topic to come up.
What NOT to do (apart from the obvious):
- Don’t carry green-coloured bags around, or display any bag that bears “save the planet” or other environmental propaganda messages
- Don’t pay the shop assistant for any bags, or allow yourself to be tricked into buying any bags
- Don’t fall for the ACT Government’s environmental reasoning behind the ban
Remember — this is about our rights not to be bossed around by the ‘Nanny State’ like this. The Green’s agenda is all about trying to control our lives whenever they see a reason that has to do with “saving the environment”. They don’t care about basic facts like the ACT is a small, landlocked state away with very, very little access to the open ocean where the world’s waste collects into gyres like the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. They don’t take into account the fact that there are a whole lot of other things made of plastic or something else non-biodegradeable that goes to waste in mass quantities. The Greens can reason all they like, but it doesn’t alter the fact that their policies intrude into our day-to-day lives to unacceptable levels.
Does it worry you what they will do next? The Greens-run Gold Coast City Council banned helium balloons. Do you want the same thing happening here?
[ED – more than usually, the poster’s views are their own]