The Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission has released their latest compliance report into utilities and finds nothing to see:
As in 2010–11, licensees did not report any breaches of their regulatory requirements in 2011–12 that the Commission considered material.
The Office of Regulatory Services (ORS) reported that it did not receive any formal complaints about the market activities of utilities or their agents during 2011–12.
The ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal (ACAT) reported that there were no industry-wide compliance issues in 2011–12, relating to gas and electricity supply.
ACAT reported no material compliance issues with respect to water supply in 2011–12.
ACT Health advised that it had not recorded any complaints in the 2011–12 reporting period about the operation of licensed utilities.
The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) reported that utilities holding Environmental Authorisations under the Environment Protection Act 1997 generally complied with the conditions of their authorisation during 2011–12.
Perhaps more extraordinary is the “why do we bother” in the foreword:
Production of the report consumes a significant volume of resources, both in the Commission and within the utilities from which information is sourced. While the benefit the community of the ACT derives from the availability of the report is hard to measure, it would appear that the readership is limited and the benefit likely to be small. Much of the information the report contains is available from other sources, e.g. the National Water Commission and, prospectively, the AER. In these circumstances, the Commission believes there is a strong case for ceasing production of the Compliance and PerformanceReport, collecting a smaller amount of data more directly related to the Commission’sstatutory responsibilities fromthose utilities that remain licensed by us, and reporting on that data in the Commission’s Annual Report.