On Saturday 08-APR-06 we did the Civic Public Art Walking Tour and lived to tell the tale.
And so, I present to you item # 25, Civic Merry Go round. It’s at the intersection of City Walk and Petrie Plaza.
![Civic Merry Go round](http://www.johnboy.nerdvana.net.au/images/publicart/goround.jpg)
The guide says:
The Civic Merry Go Round was originally
located at the St Kilda Esplanade in
Melbourne where it commenced operation
in 1915. It was designed and built by
Herbert Thompson, designer of Australia’s
fi rst successful motor car. At the time
it was described as the largest portable
steam riding gallery and the first made
in Australia.
Not sure if it’s art, but people seem to like it.
Got an image in, or of Canberra you want to share with the world? Email it to johnboy@the-riotact.com