On Saturday 08-APR-06 we did the Civic Public Art Walking Tour and lived to tell the tale.
And so, I present to you item # 31, Circuitry, by Fiona Hooton. It is in the Civic Bus Interchange.
![Circuitry - by Fiona Hooton](http://www.johnboy.nerdvana.net.au/images/publicart/circuitry.jpg)
The guide says:
Circuitry is a red tower of interlocking grids
based on a simplified outline of a human
figure. The sculpture symbolises the people,
transport and information that constantly
fill, move though, and empty from the
circulatory system of the city.
Personally I’ve always liked the tron-like little grey guy trying to to escape.
Got an image in, or of Canberra you want to share with the world? Email it to johnboy@the-riotact.com